GimmeKnowledge The Grey

no, not if they’ve “done bad things”—if they are conscienceless sociopaths who do bad things. not sure why you’re all gung ho to stand up for people who would feel nothing except maybe a mild enjoyment watching you die a slow painful death that they caused. i think you’ve got your priorities mixed up.

Yes. This is a special circumstance that should change Indian law with regards to sentencing of minors who commit heinous, violent crimes. I am not in favor of the death penalty or trying every minor who commits crimes as an adult but this boy was nearly 18 when he committed the crime and was described as the most

They raped her with a crow bar so violently that her intestines were coming out of her body. This young man, who was months shy of his 18th birthday at the time the crime was commited, not now as this article seems to say, was described as being the most brutal of the attackers. There is something profoundly broken in

Read it again. He was 17 when he raped, disemboweled, and murdered Jyoti Singh. He’s 20 now. And no, there is no hope for rehabilitation for him. He should be killed and gibbeted.

Rape is a crime of power that does not happen by accident or out of desperation. And this gang rape was particularly malicious and vicious. There is no way that he should be treated as a minor. If he didn’t know this was wrong at 17, he never will.

when it comes to dangerous narcissists and sociopaths, i have an unapologetically atavistic response: they have no purpose but to do damage to society and individuals, and they need to go. they are like rabid animals—eradicating them is the humane reponse because they can only hurt themselves and others and spread

I don’t think hanging anyone is reasonable, but I think it is perfectly reasonable to give an older teenager who disembowelled someone a longer sentence than 3 years (MUCH longer). And while I don’t agree with the death penalty, I can certainly understand the viewpoint of people who think we should no longer keep

Here is to really, really hoping that the protesters accomplish what they’ve set out to do, and that the victim and future victims receive justice, not a slap on the wrist. The rape epidemic in India makes me so incredibly sad.

Yes. He killed her in the most brutal way imaginable, and people want him to die.

With Shkreli in cuffs and the affluenza kid on the run from law enforcement, it seems karma is determined to get some unfinished business done before new years eve. Even the warring factions in Libya and Syria are talking again.

I understand why a non profit would turn money down due to ethics/principle. But I also think that this Martin guy deserves to have all of his money taken away, and if charities benefit, that’s a good thing. Otherwise he’s just going to keep it, or invest/give it to other insanely rich people.

while i understand (and admire—you sound more generous than i manage to be most of the time) your compassion for this dude, at his age he is unlikely to be rehabilitated in any real sense. with this kind of compensatory narcissism, if you don’t get them into some intensive therapy by their teens...they are too often

so true—it’s not often that appearances so clearly reflect what lies underneath, but in this guy’s case: he looks like a weasel-y little rat-faced petty asshole, and that’s exactly what he is.

the schadenfreude that this guy’s unfolding story provides is truly, truly delicious. i’m not normally a connoisseur, but when it comes to fuckstains like this guy—sweet ambrosia is the schadenfreude.

He’s just one of those people that looks exactly like the person he is inside

I really feel like he’s going to suicide. He seems friendless and overcompensating for some serious self-loathing. I know many people would be content, if not happy to see him end his life, but I’d rather see him rehabilitated, atone for his shit, and then fade away.

He also donated to Bernie, who was like, fuck you dude I’m giving it to a place that is the opposite of everything you stand for

Knock on wood, is this a sign of things to come?

Use the money to buy the needed medicines from the other manufacturer and distribute for free through charitable organizations.