GimmeKnowledge The Grey

I think you mean read her bible. Most of these kind of conservative christians believe that sitting in church in front some guy who will tell them what the bible says and what it really means is the same as doing the work themselves. In my experience agnostics and athiests are much more likely to actually have fully

I feel like when someone fails to return a child that they have joint custody of, then that person should face some kind of consequence. Especially if that child is still breastfeeding and the one who didn’t give the kid back was the dad. I don’t see any consequences here for the baby hoarder. Why?

It’s entirely possible to change over time. We don’t like to talk about it, because some bigoted people think that means that we can decide not to be attracted to whoever we are attracted to, which is ridiculous. What it means is that your brain can change over time, and your innate desires with it. I’ve heard of many

Honestly I would look at a few more genderqueer people, and then some androgynous people, and then some more fem people, and see if you are just attracted to people who are in between the usual genders or if it’s some women in general. Gender and sexuality are extremely fluid, and the labels we have are inadequate for

Do you know about the Kinsey Scale? If not, look it up. A person can be a little bit queer. Whether or not you decide that you identify that way should be up to you.

Yeah, and pussy eating does not a dyke make. If I had never gone down on a woman, the fact that I want to have sex with women makes me bisexual.

I agree. Sexual orientation is about what gender you feel sexual attraction to, not about physical actions. Men and women turn me on, therefore I’m bisexual. When I realized that I was attracted to all people I was a kid and wouldn’t go on to have any kind of sex for many years, but I was still a bisexual at that time.

I don’t normally buy Chobani, but if it will piss off One hundred thousand...maybe Million lunatics Moms, I will definitely start. The women in the ad were too close to the male fantasy version of lesbians, but I don’t even care at this point. Progress is progress, even if we have to let some little problematic things

For Sale: wedding dress, never worn.

My 90s GlamGoth heart loves this. My 10s lazy MomBod heart is glad it’s you doing it and not me.

My husband is on the autism spectrum (so am I), and he would never, ever say anything like this. Of course, he actually respects women as individuals. Having autism doesn’t automatically make you an asshole. Most assholes are neurotypical. I hate that stereotype with a passion.

Flag or dismiss, that guy appears to be a moron.

You might want to reconsider that.

I’m more skeptical of the untrained midwives who cost babies and mothers their lives over ideology and ego than I am of an obgyn that wants women to have the best care possible in a situation that can go from low risk to high risk in an instant. Homebirth is dangerous, period.

It might have been for good reason. I was resentful of having to have a c-section for a long time, but then I read some of the horror stories of what could have happened instead.

Are you considering doing any more homebirths?

Even low risk pregnancies can go wrong suddenly. Being in a hospital setting is important when things can go so wrong so fast. Having CNMs there and being able to move around is fine and many hospitals allow that these days. I gave birth twelve years ago, and even then there were delivery rooms with hot showers for

This is one of my all time favorite horror shorts. I’m subscribed to their youtube channel, and so far every single one of their shorts has been amazing. The use of sound is perfect. It would be so wonderful if they made a feature length film, they blow nearly all current horror directors out of the water.