As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
I think he most likely made more money than what the bike is worth. I am not going to help him by clicking on the video.
Imagine being so braindead that you destroy your own property because some company that only cares about your money decided to signal to the world that, hey, maybe LGBTQ+ people might also want to ride motorcycles? LMAO. Absolutely braindead. And he’ll be rewarded for these shenanigans too because this is how the…
As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.
There lies the problem. For what they would charge for a M3 Touring, let alone a M5 touring. I would just buy a used SUV/Pickup truck and a purpose-built sports car.
Therein lies the problem. I want a touring/wagon. I do not want to spend extra on an M or AMG or RS of a “luxury” (read: $$$) brand.
We will no longer produce sedans, so here are a bunch of 4 door “mustangs”
There’s a fundamental problem (for me) with this question. I have no doubt that there is all manner of useless tech in my car that I never use. But since I never use it, I can’t for the life of me think of any of them right now.
Does anyone else read this as Ford low key understands that very publicly cancelling all their car models except Mustangs was a bad idea, but they don’t want to admit it so they are slowly introducing new car models under ‘Mustang’ branding.
I understand that between adrenaline, being fucking pissed, being late for something, and fear of a medical bill a lot of people refuse medical care at the scene. But if get hit by a driver running a stop/red light I am sitting my ass on the curb until a paramedic checks me out and I see what the officer wrote down.
Doesn't it reduce NVH?
There are three things I want in my car that exist in modern cars: adaptive cruise control, cooled/vented seats, and a back-up camera.
Any smart phone app to control your car. Do not need the hassle and the expense.
My last three cars have all had voice control and I never used any of them, execpt once or twice to try them — and each of those attempts ended with a quick “Cancel. Cancel. CANCEL!”
I guess my question is why is there a race category on a red light ticket? If there is an option for Not Applicable then it sounds like we can drop the category all together.
Depends on what you are buying. Miata track car? Sure, if it has the standard modifications someone would want for track use. You have to vet the owners carefully when buying a modified car. If they are knowledgeable and used high quality parts, it’s not necessarily a red flag (especially if the car is not a daily…
Meh, two trips to Iraq and one to Afghanistan, I might just keep sitting until the next commercial, dear. But I do miss back in the day when people started from a place of kindness and respect before they started running their sucks, at least until they had some actual reason to think that the particular person they…
This shit. Bonus warning for those that do this in a couple pics but at least one clearly shows the plate. If you are this dense, I don’t want to give you money.
Taking pictures and omitting certain sections of the car, or just taking really bad pictures. If you don’t show any pictures of the interior, or you crop out the bumper, I am going to assume there’s a real good reason you don’t want me to see those. If you take a haphazard snapshot with grease on the lens and the hood…
When the owner is too lazy, too whatever to spiff up his wheels. A filthy carpet, fogged headlights, struts that no longer hold up the hatch—if the owner can’t be bothered to address the obvious issues with his vehicle, what’s wrong with the rest of the turdmobile? Oil last changed 15,000 miles ago? Last time the…