Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

You aren’t entirely wrong, but EVs crank it up to 11.

“Define what you mean by soul.”

Most modern cars are soulless though. It isn’t unique to EVs.

First Off, Rowan Atkinson is a rather clever chap, unlike several of his characters that rely on physical comedy. I think the closest we have seen the real Rowan through his characters are the various Edmund Blackadders from Blackadder II to IV, though he is likely much less mean than them.

It isn't that hard to justify at all if you actually drive the two. Nissan can obviously charge a lot less given it's running on essentially the same platform it was running on back in 1876.

Being that God is fictional, no, none have been right.

In the history of humanity, has any group that called themselves ‘God’s Army’ ever been on the right side of history? 

Until we give them more personality and tasers, they ain’t gonna work.

After Palin and The Nuge left, the speakers after went really crazy. One guy screaming that the Jews are letting Hezbollah in the country from Venezuela to attack them, Lara Logan raging, etc... Jan. 6th may not be a one and done. all that craziness is still out there. Basically the enemy within. As always, it isn’t

That is my problem.

There are no EV wagons.

To qualify, the EV must be manufactured in North America and have an MSRP below $80,000 for an SUV and $55,000 for a sedan, wagon, or hatchback.”

I grew up in an environment not far from this description, but I have this technology called a brain and a super power called basic logic and reasoning.

Colonnade Coupes are stupidly space inefficient, but they looked damn great and handled pretty good in retrospect. My teenage car was a 77 Buick Regal with a wheezy Chevy 305. I also like the “downsized” G-platform, circa ‘85. I’d love either with the full menu of brougham-y interior bits (pillow seats, no Grand

The one I currently drive (when the carbs act right).

Ugh. Picking a car from the Malaise Era is like choosing to die from syphilis or dysentery. That said I’d go with my first car, a ‘75 Monte Carlo that Mom got new and was driven by my brother and sister before I got it as a rusty, two-toned (Dad was a rattle can Picasso) rotted quarter panel beast. But I still loved

I wouldn’t be able to watch Nope on repeat, I barely could finish it the first time. I don’t know why but I found it was one of the most boring movie I saw in the past few years. I couldn’t care less about the characters and really found most of the stuff to be over acted.

Sunshine on the other end is a great movie

There’s no reason you should exceed the speed limit? Really? Remember this would be limited to only new cars sold, so all the cars on the road already won’t have it. Traffic on highways easily flows at 10 over in many places, if you have the random one out of 100 cars going 60 when everyone else is going 70-75 that’s

There isn’t any reason why you should need to exceed the posted limit on any public road.” Bullshit. There are significant portions of the country where the speed limits are ridiculously low, at least on the limited-access highways. Like all of Nassau and Suffolk County, NY, for instance (55 mph). I’m sure there are

not a chance in hell this passes in Freedom loving America. and seriously - you ever been to Texas, Montana, New Mexico.... anywhere in the west? Those highways should have 110 mph speed limits. most modern cars can do that with no trouble. when its 200+ miles to the next town euro style laws stop making sense.