Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

This article answered virtually none of my questions about the event.

That’s why the oval is the superior format for racing.

I would get this for older muscle cars. A 4 cyl Fox body Mustang is a sad sad car—an Escort from the same era would have been more honest, more practical, and probably more enjoyable.

Nissan Altimas. I’d say I’m a pretty reasonable person, I try not judge people too much and give them a benefit of the doubt...But I don’t care what your back story is, I know exactly what type of person you are if you drive a mid 2000s Altima, with limo tint, balding tires, and fogged up headlights. I make sure to

Miata’s with automatic transmissions.  It’s the only time Miata isn’t the answer.

Pretty much every brand-new exotic. And conversely, I gain respect for guys I see driving 10 year or older exotics. The former have money, the latter have passion.

Anything that is, intentionally, rolling coal. There is zero reason for it other than being a jerk. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I fart in your general direction.

Well that’s the thing like 90% of the jacked up bro dozers NEVER get used off road at all, first clue at least in the OP’s picture, the low profile “off road tires” also look for the brand new looking tow ball, if they have one.  Not a bro dozer but coming to work saw a Jeep Wrangler with giant wheels 100% outside of

Any car that’s all Trumped-out. You know the one. Trump bumper stickers, Trump Flags, hand-written Trump pronouncements. You just know that the driver is someone you never want to sit next to at a party.

Soul-sucking appliances that need to be charged. I’m not talking cell phones. I’m not sorry If this offends you, so keep your retorts to yourself :)

Any lifted full size pickup.

Most SUV coupes - someone chose to pay more for a less practical, uglier version of the landcow sitting across the showroom.

Wrangler with the “angry face” grille.

Honestly F1 COULD be bigger in the states, the primary issue, aside form there being very few F1 races, is if a US fan wants to watch the race live, you have to be up at absurd hours to watch, because of the time difference, it’s what it’s starting at 10 at night for the Vegas race.  I say fuck it, start it at a

Paid $25.00 for a General Admission ticket for Friday at the last F1 race in Detroit in 1988. And it was pretty good.

Gen X, driving age - late 80s / early 90s.

All supercars. For the most part they are the domain of insecure, attention seeking asshats.

Semi Low hanging fruit but:

Bring back free checked bags. Back when I first started flying, only the serious frequent fliers used carry ons. This was for people in a hurry that didn’t want to wait for the baggage claim.

Airlines made everything worse when they added bag fees and then piled on by selling basic economy on international flights.