Wagon Guy drives a Boostang

No, at Goodwood, unless specifically stated, they are the real thing. The scrutineers are VERY thorough !

Driving a huge box truck. Seriously, how can a random idiot with a Driver’s License just go rent a 27 ft truck and drive it around? It’s not remotely the same as a regular car or truck. I was properly terrified of the thing and was super cautious, but not everyone is like that.

I’m in my 40s, lived in Los Angeles, San Diego & Dallas in my lifetime. Currently reside in Arkansas.

Not really, there are kind of 2 types, the pull in an stop joint, these are almost always unmanned, and the drive thru tunnel ones, typically these are manned, but both are automatic car washes.

I think these are the drive-through kind at gas stations where you put some money into the slot and run a gauntlet of spray nozzles and giant spinning brushes, all without human contact.

Just because you are not in the 1% of the 1% doesn’t make you not rich. If you could afford the tickets (which are easily a couple of grand per per) and the cost of a van and the time off of work for this thing, you are rich. You just are not Bezos rich. You are still rich though.

It’s Frontier. Like Southwest, you pay for “a” seat, not an assigned seat. The parents are responsible for boarding early enough to grab seats together.

Why wouldn’t you pay for assigned seats if you have a kid? Seems kinda entitled to expect to have other people cater to you and move.

In fact, it was Nissan’s second-best selling car in 2022 after the Rouge with 139,955 sold.”

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with people and passing. I was driving to southern Utah last year and long lonely desert highway, caught up to a car doing 60 in a 70 zone, as soon as we got to a passing zone he speeds up to 80, then after that back to 60. So finally I get past him and then he tailgates me for miles. Dude

Cool, cool. Now can you do me a favor and make my work install a charger (just for me) and maybe one less than 8 miles from my house.

Banning private cars? Not only is it political suicide (and possibly real suicide, if you piss people off enough), it is not practical until public transportation is VASTLY improved or until a very broad societal shift toward short commutes occurs.

ONLY a 1 million dollar fine? I’m guessing these diesel shops made 100X that selling shit that enabled diesel owners to break emissions laws.

So Corellia is where Han is from, and was featured heavily at the start of that movie they made about Han, including that it was a shipyard for the Empire. We’ve known Han was Corellian since 1977.

Oh no, you guys. This Star Wars show expects the viewer to like Star Wars. Terrible.

C-? You’re outta your mind. Both episodes are at least strong B+. I would go A grade but I’m penalizing them because Chopper didn’t get to murder anyone despite his best efforts.

Tramlining is the term

This is not even remotely unique to Los Angeles or even southern California. Any region that goes months between precipitation is going to have a larger build up of dirt and oils on the road surface that become a nightmare when it first rains.

MC safety classes say to wait 20 minutes after it starts raining. I was in Maine under an overpass on the highway during a huge thunderstorm and as the water flowed by there were big soapy bubbles on the leading edge. I bet LA with a billion times more traffic is that much worse. 

I thought this was common knowledge. But I guess if you never have rain, I suppose you don’t know this 🤷‍♂️