
Yeah, looking back, I’m not sure that it was the force of Scott Baio and Ted Nugent that propelled Trump to the presidency while only piddly nobodies like Beyonce and Meryl Streep shilled for that hack Clinton. 

Exactly. Had Hillary listened to her allies on the ground in the Midwest who were SCREAMING her polling was wrong and spent some time there instead of Arizona(...) she likely would be President now. Its not on celebrities its on the candidates and sorry to break it to some folks, Hillary was an always has been a bad

This. It *hurts* me to defend her, but damn it, this is good. She’s late to the party, but she’s here, and we need a big turnout for the midterms and she’s helping with that. 

Who cares? This is so beyond the point. They registered. This is a democracy and they will vote. If they are all republicans, they are all republicans and that’s is good because they get their voices heard. We want a democratic fair election. Go Taylor. 

For a good time, read the replies to Mike Huckabee’s tweet about Taylor’s 13-year-old girls or Charlie Kirk’s about Kanye ending Taylor’s career. Summoning the wrath of swifties* is such an own goal.

No one is giving her a pass. But it isn’t unreasonable to point out that Jezebel has judged her for years for not being vocal about her politics, and is now snarking about her speaking out.

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

I am far from a T-swift fan but I can’t help but find it ridiculous to be mad at this. Also it’s easy to shit on people after the fact.

Is hating on Taylor Swift no matter what a specific rider in the employment contract with Jezebel?

“Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?”

They won’t. The disdain is almost cartoonist at this point.

The power of Taylor Swift’s statement is very much in how local it was. I doubt even if she’d done anything this public in 2016, it’d have been anywhere near as effective. And people were complaining about the timing, but I think posting it so close to the registration deadline is what got people to actually register

Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?

Her career started well over a decade ago. Let’s just pretend that her target audience then was young teens. That means they’re well past the age to start voting. I think the average age of her fans now are 20-30 year olds. Your take is a terrible one.

I know. I hate when people I don’t know and never will know do not do things based on a timeline that I have in my head for when and why they should do things.

Now playing

NGL, I don’t really feel like a an actual “fan”, but I like her songs.

This seriously did not need to be the week to take a dump on Taylor Swift for doing something right. 

I’m a Tennessean and we really need all the help we can get, so I’m pretty thankful for Taylor Swift speaking up. Marsha Blackburn is a fucking scourge and deserves the guillotine, honestly. 

Seriously.  I don't love her but I'm proud of her for this, and happy for her fans.  Also hoping it does encourage some of them to vote and make her proud 

Especially in this highly charged atmosphere. A post like this is guaranteed to result in threats. This took guts.