

I’m interested in how the comments will spin this into a negative thing.

Taylor didn’t have say anything so, good for her for speaking up. 

I know people have a lot of problems with Taylor Swift, but I’m glad she’s finally realised that this is not the time for silence and political neutrality.

I swear.  Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it.  Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one. 

I feel like what’s telling about Swift’s timing is that her US tour wrapped up a day before the announcement. Girl ain’t dumb, and I’m happy she’s starting to speak up. 

But the whole entertainment and fashion and cosmetic industry is a one massive lie

KK certainly didn’t get that way with flat tummy tea or lollipops. She had the help of Melissa Alcantara (IG @fitgurlmel). Which makes things even worse: a white woman (that’s KK in case she managed to delude anyone) is reaching her health and fitness goals because of the help of a black woman who has a pretty awesome

We can see the destructiveness of all those other factors and also call out someone who shills for scams and helps them bypass advertising rules.

I mean yeah attack the one person who has name recognition and blame her for the state of women today.

Sooo... it’s not curious to you that so many women, from instamodels to reality tv personalities, have all gone in to look like Kim K?

Why the hell does Jezebel take such delight in judging a book by its cover. WATCH THE GOD DAMNED FILM before pegging it for its “issues”. For fucks sakes

Jezebel: Omg arent the Kardashians just like the worst.
Also Jezebel: Who else wants to talk more about the Kardashians? We do!

We Hates It, We Loves it, We hates it, We loves it.
My precious clicks.

The food is often the most interesting character in the book, so I’m really looking forward to just drooling while watching the food scenes in the movie. [I say this with much affection, I thought the books were the perfect beach-weekend read!]

Who made you hall monitor? She can talk about her assault any way she wants to.

Hey, fuck you!!

Nothing about this situation makes any sense and I don’t even know who to root for because they’re all awful in their own way.

You win the silver lining award!

As much as I hate Kim and Kanye, I’m glad they’re married to each other instead of making two normal people miserable.

You sound like a “Cool Girl”