
I come directly from these people, I was one once, so I can say this, but what is WITH these inbred hillbilly assholes with their pea brains,fetal alcohol syndrome features, zits and pasty flesh? (And of course these WOULD be the eugenics people in many cases.)

all we are asking for is for sage to be brought home,we need closure. i really dont think that’s to much to ask for. sage loving grandma.

Correct. They are not openable. If they were easy to open during the cruise, don’t you think we’d have staff guarding them at all times?

Velvet Goldmine is an amazing flick and all the Ewan peen made me fan myself, but Christian Bale hunched over the photo was a special kind of “oh my” even if it wasn’t explicit.

We truly are living through the golden age of the man child, aren’t we?

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

I dunno, I think she has a lot of spunk.

Some of the names on Tumblr are truly works of art, lol. One of my favorites is Sprinklecunt. Sprinklecunt!

I was more skeeved out by cummy eyelids than the photos. Big fat nope.

Yeah, the amputated toe is NBD but cummy-eyelids is disgusting. You’d kind of expect revolting things from a Tumblr account with that name.

Poisoned candy/tylenol kills innocent people = a permanently changed nation

So how can he have a plan if no one told him life was gonna be this way?


One can only hope. And by “hanging out with”, I mean “being tortured by”.

Yeah that was SO WEIRD. I honestly think Paul Ryan believes what he does is creating equality for everyone because he comes from the very privileged perspective that everyone can be like Alexander Hamilton. That ANYONE can make themselves into a better person no matter where they come from and thus they don’t need

Yeah, that was pretty jarring. I guess because he provides the requisite right-left balance to Elizabeth Warren and is also A Cool Dude Who Like Hip-Hop [For Angry White Boys]?

when your skin gets too brown

“At least I tried to avoid it.”

Nicholas Sparks is at this very moment bringing a lawsuit against the wedding planner for intellectual property infringement, claiming this was “future” intellectual property.