
What is it going to take for the "she was asking for it" school of idiocy to GO THE FUCK AWAY.

I assume he meant from a school district specifically, since he contextualized that sentiment with:

it's the butter in assbuttery, right? I'm hungry too now.

I'm stunned someone spent seven weeks with this assbutt. This level of assbuttery is irrepressible, so it must have irrupted earlier. In any case, congratulations to the woman in question for this boil popping by itself.

Father's Beautiful Song to His Dying Infant-

Watch that video?

Hands up: who skipped the video and went right to the comments?

Omg what? How have I lived without seeing this?

Buffy people? Remember how no one could remember that Ben was Glory and Glory, Ben? I had to hear the rape allegations 3 times before they stuck. My mind wanted to reject the whole concept, even though I'm all for outing and punishing rapists

When we can surgically implant uteruses into men so they can get pregnant, then they can have a say in abortion. I've met a lot of "my ex-girlfriend killed my unborn child" types and they drive me nuts. Like it's so much work for a man to inseminate someone else who actually is ready for a child.

We are going to need some really good War on Christmas carols if we want to win this thing. I wrote two to get us started.

A provision like that would never be abused I'm sure.

Yeah, sorry I saw that section of your post and deviated a bit from the article. Not defending the state at all especially when they go against the best medical advice the doctors give. If she was incapacitated I'd say let the doctors make the call but, that wasn't the case and it's pretty messed up overall.

"And one guy whose comment was a paragraph of "men should get an equal amount of weight in the decision." The decision about civil rights while pregnant? The decision to not die by forced surgery?! What?!"

I don't disagree with that but, I do think that if the men get no decision (which they shouldn't have to have the

"day three of Davos"

I once had a friend refuse to eat a slice of lemon pound cake because I mentioned I'd used my homemade vanilla in it (like 2 tsp in the whole cake). She doesn't drink, and when she learned that my homemade vanilla is vanilla beans in vodka, she declined the cake. I explained that unless powdered vanilla is used, all

"Ok, now that we've heard from a panel of respected scientists outlining the overwhelming, and frankly terrifying evidence for man-made climate change, we'd like to now present a counter-point from the CEO of the non-profit organization 'Fuck Icebergs and Polar Bears.'"

And we're still doing this shit - giving "equal representation" in talk-show debates and the like to an "other perspective" that's arguing for teaching creationism in schools or for eschewing vaccinations, as though those are perfectly reasonable alternative viewpoints. Voluntarily giving a podium to horrible people

Moreover, Conflict Kitchen's (largely conservative) pro-Israel critics are still propagating the frankly insane notion that the restaurant has some responsibility to include the perspective of both sides of the conflict.