
My friend went on an Instagram crusade against all the influencers who were influencing by stepping all over/lying on/crushing California poppies. Then she expanded it to other people doing harmful things on public lands. (And made friends with @publiclandshateyou!) So no, their harm isn’t just contained to being rich

What does she even claim was the point of this lesson? Learning to caption pictures? 

Yes! And actually those early scientists were concerned about the effects of the Industrial Revolution putting greenhouse gases into the air.

One of my least favorite things I keep reading is “LOLOL all you idiot libtards using your PHONES and COMPUTERS and TECHNOLOGY to protest this, how do you think you got the raw materials?!!?!11" Like, yes, we are using the tools we have available to communicate a problem. I’m also sure many of us would like to see

Some scientists have actually been aware this was a possibility since the early 1900s. Too many people have been Not Listening for far too long.

I’ve been ready to throw this dude into the sun for a long time, let’s go.

When I first saw the image I thought, “That is a wax figure. That is not a human. It is deep in the uncanny valley of horrors.” 

One of the times a business is allowed to remove a service dog and its owner is when it is being disruptive or dangerous to other customers. Delta should have stepped in.

I mean alright, except that one is a living animal and the other is a weapon created by humans explicitly to kill. And when I talk to gun nuts, I remind them I don’t want to take all guns away from everyone. I want proper training and background checks. Some people should not be able to have guns. Just like I said

I mean, I love pitbulls because I’ve worked with a lot of incredibly sweet ones in shelters, played with my friends’ wonderful ones, and like to help animals that need it the most. They are not a breed for first time owners or owners that can’t dedicate a lot of time to training and exercise. But I don’t believe there

Well, they do look rather constricting...

Mickey and Minnie were married in real life?!?! *cry*

Antoni is kind of obnoxious this season but I can’t figure out why.

Look I haven’t seen any of this but it’s probably in the same way there is only one police officer in all of France for Les Miserables.

I just meant that these guys likely don’t know/believe that. Sorry, phrased badly.

This...this is amazing. I, too, live my life through Star Wars.

Yep, pretty much. He acted like a huge dick and then he didn’t get to keep his.

All of those men likely are part of the All Men, though :/ Also, what happened with Lorena Bobbitt is likely more complicated than what they think.

I continue to really, really hope they are all pretty much like the personas they play on the show. They all seem like such good dudes, I hope it’s true.

I definitely didn’t understand why just the fetus would “absorb” the radiation, not the woman.