
I remember taking a tour of Berlin when I studied abroad in Germany, and we passed an apartment complex that had a view of both the spot where Hitler's bunker was (the one he killed himself in) and the remains of the wall. I thought that probably had to be the worst/most sobering view to wake up to everyday.

I strive to use the word "assbutt" everyday but I cannot seem to get it to catch on with my coworkers.

One of the ways I realized I was growing up was when the beard suddenly became very attractive to me, more than the clean-shaven look. (See also: suddenly being obsessed with Aragorn over Legolas).


Don't worry, it breaks my brain every damn time, too. Trainspotting breaks my brain by giving me nightmares about dead babies on ceilings (but it is an excellent movie).

It's the everything. (And me, too).

I tried to find a gif of his and Christian Bale's sex scene in Velvet Goldmine and frankly cannot believe that I couldn't find it, but here's this:

You could just put "Ewan McGregor in basically all his movies, and also wheretobegin watched them when she was 13 and told her parents she was watching Disney movies."

I mean, what's happening in ND? All that ice and snow for so much of the year and they really want to be on the higher end of this?

I am all for legalizing assisted suicide for very ill, suffering people. I just always wonder, where do we draw the line? What would we say for severely depressed people for whom no other treatment has worked? What kind of limits would have to be set down?

"A must read." ?????

I couldn't even get past Satan Burger before I lost it. What is a Satan Burger?!

So awesome that this news broke the morning after I drank maybe kind of a lot of this. Antifreeze whiskey tastes good in apple cider.

I wrote a very quick comment on Gawker about how this might have happened because he was rejected by a girl. Some of the responses were good, some were not, and I already have at least one evo-psych "we hunted the mammoth for you!" BS reply. To be honest, I knew what was coming.

Best possible use of Ursula.

It must be a confusing time to be a right-wing asshole.