Um, where is bird's nest soup? Or fruit bat soup? Or other weird things I've found on the interwebs?
Um, where is bird's nest soup? Or fruit bat soup? Or other weird things I've found on the interwebs?
Some super right-wing assholes were salivating over his defense of the Redskins name and logo on my Facebook recently. We can caption this with one of several quotes I found: "Cowboys fans) didn't like that I would show up, painted in burgundy, with the headdress and stuff."
Who you callin' butthead, Butthead?!
If we could take the Everglades (because you know these people would not give a shit about the endangered, biodiverse species there), maybe some parts of the SC coast, and hell, DisneyWorld, then yes please.
I feel like a flux capacitor might solve a lot of America's problems. We could all make like a tree.
I have literally dreamed about this country dividing into multiple countries, where everyone has to answer questions like, "Do you hate other races?" "Do you hate gay people?" "How about the simple idea of community?" "Have you used the word bootstraps?" And then you go stand with your group of people to be sent off…
Still not clear on why this is going to remade. They say there will be a different murderer, but the identity of the murderer was such an integral part of several characters' development/stories, I don't see how that will work. I can't figure out who else they could pick. I mean, yay, get David Tennant more American…
So even if a retail worker makes a mistake, repeatedly apologizes, and offers what she can in recompense, she deserves to be yelled at and have her job threatened?
Sweet! I just ordered myself The Best of HP Lovecraft (who I already know I like) on Amazon, I'll have to check those out, too.
Can someone a legit scary adult book? I love horror, have only read a few Stephen Kings, but haven't really found well-written horror books.
Everyone is invited. We'll make a movie about a tragically beautiful group of white people that meet on a beach, grow old together, get really sick, and hate Nicholas Sparks through the best and worst of times.
No. Nicholas Sparks is a terrible writer and now maybe even people that like his stupid books and movies will start moving away from him.
No matter how powerfully this man was masturbating, that door cannot be opened during flight. His penis cannot fight physics.
Anytime someone calls him/herself a "foodie", it puts me on edge. Listen, I love to eat, cook, cook complicated things, eat new things I've never heard of, but I just say I like food. "Foodie" makes you immediately pretentious (and probably ignorant about actual food production).
I just don't think adding the Three Amigos did it any favors. But yes, anything cool is welcome at DisneyWorld.
I mean, I have always enjoyed Maelstrom. At least much more than The River of Time or whatever it is Mexico has. I'm just always amused about how much some people love such a short, odd ride.
Two things:
I wonder if men who enjoy playing a fairly violent sport tend towards violence in other parts of their lives...
How can we contact the gallery?