Having worked in public places where people decide to change their babies' diapers anywhere they feel like it (the floor in the middle of a museum exhibit), NO. Not acceptable.
Having worked in public places where people decide to change their babies' diapers anywhere they feel like it (the floor in the middle of a museum exhibit), NO. Not acceptable.
Why is Jezebel perpetuating this? This woman is already being made fun of in plenty of places on the internet, probably for doing something her boss made her do. We don't need to add to it.
I just...I can't take ISIS seriously.
If she would have had a better life without me, yes. I was a planned, wanted pregnancy. Luckily for her, nothing went wrong. But if she had chosen to abort, I would never have known. I wouldn't exist to be mad or upset about it now. So yes.
So I am pro-GMO, pro feeding the hungry masses with large scale food production, but usually against the way animals are treated on big farms. What category is that?
How are these men going to be nurses if they can't deal with seeing various body parts?
One time Jos A Banks said if I bought a suit I could get 1000 dollars of other things free. Now might be the time for my 1000 dollars of socks plan...
My tiny, liberal arts school had a secret frat (and sorority) but they were actually kind of fun - hipster nerds. It felt cool to know someone who was in it. Why can't secret societies just be like that?
In high school chemistry class (10 years ago!?), I was sitting calmly in my seat. It was first period, so 8:something in the morning. Suddenly, with no warning, I heard gagging sounds and felt wet heat in my hair. The kid behind me (who I knew to be a heroine addict with likely schizophrenia or at least some kind of…
What's up, I was a Space Camp camper! I do remember some oddball counselors.
I'm extra mad because I remember reading an article once that was advice about being nice to servers and somebody basically made this exact comment. I'm still so surprised that there is one person out there this upset about "no problem," let alone two.
So...you get mad at people who are serving you and simultaneously being polite to you? Because you think there is one acceptable way to speak? Stop.
Pooh is just indecent all the time, as well.
I have a slightly related question: is there a name for someone who believes in a god but chooses not to worship him because that god is not good?
I mean, people just straight up walk around DisneyWorld in their swimsuits, and I've never heard complaining about that.
I work in public parks. I've had people honk their car horn at me while I was standing right next to their car. With their window already rolled down. Instead of just saying, "excuse me?"
Possibly dumb question brought on by the second video - does men's hair just naturally not gross as easily? She said that once she started hormones here hair began growing. That just seemed odd to me.
Why couldn't they at least have made the world before Jonas starts receiving memories black and white, or monotone? Why deviate so far from the book? Why is everything trying to be The Hunger Games?!