
"How about a mash potato ice cream cone?" "That's fun!"

I know, right? But hey, as one myself, I know Star Trek fans are all about respecting other cultures.

Do Your Taxes: Learn a New Language Because What the Hell do Any of These Words Mean?

Do you mean "a bunch of gross recipes from modern day Utah?"

We do that but WITHOUT THE CHEESE, blargh. It's good sweet.

"tentacle farting speculum"

I really can't stand people who I would probably stand with politically and personally denying science. Of course informing people of documented side effects isn't denying science and absolutely should happen. But there is this awful trend in some liberal populations to automatically assume any Western medicine is

You matter to someone, if not yourself, just yet. Please talk, please don't do anything permanent.

CF4L! April is a genius. I miss scrolling through to see the new fuckery every couple of days :(

The Room stands hilariously on its own. Those two trying to make a movie about it will be like over explaining a joke until it is horribly unfunny.

I moved here from the east a few years ago. I love Utah, and I will still ask WHAT THE SHIT IS IT. Damn am I tired of not being able to buy wine or normal beer at the grocery store.

To be fair, I did frequent a fun speakeasy in SLC.


The worst tumblr of all tumblrs rears it's ugly head again!

Cannot people who have lost loved ones to addictions see it as stupid as well as sad? I have, and I do.

His movies give me the vibe that he knows nothing about women. The female characters generally just make me angry. And maybe that's part of his creepsterness.

I will buy more cookies to make up for this.

Ahh, my reading material for the night.

This is my new favorite gif.