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    Cyborg impressed me, against my expectations. I really thought that the metal looked good, perhaps because there are plenty of pieces with enough surface area to be distinguishable as objects, moreso than the Bay Transformers in my recollection. I think that Cyborg looks a lot better than them.

    They chose just about the ugliest place possible for the climax. I get that it fits for ‘villainous lair’ but it is so incredibly ugly.

    I guess that I was reading it as maybe a face-saving strategy for the film itself to begin with, that then morphed into a kindness after the Snyder family’s tragedy.

    There was no money in movies, in Star Trek’s 22nd century. Fortunately though, lots of Sherlock Holmes in the public domain.

    Black Panther is literally the highest-earning superhero film of all time in this website’s home region (disregarding inflation, of course).

    I’m really looking forward to the marketing campaign, if not necessarily the film itself (we’ll see).

    I Know that Wonder Woman and Black Panther did both have a lot of goodwill and social significance going in, but at the end of the day, they’re both really good films that I think deserved their positive word-of-mouth.

    Black Panther is still making history by setting huge records. That’s arguably more interesting than anything the new-releases are doing, regardless of Pacific Rim being #1. It makes sense to me that they’d keep talking about BP.

    If so then ouch, it appears that things are looking pretty bad there.

    s-nce this takes place in the ‘90s, it’ll be a few decades before Coulson gets stabbed

    I wonder, is Wrinkle in Time expecting an infusion of money from a foreign market in which it hasn’t yet opened?

    Hunnam has been better in other things (Deadfall, Lost City of Z) but Raleigh Beckett might be the single least-engaging lead character I’ve ever come across.

    Hey, I’m hoping for Solo to be my Star Wars rebound.

    I’m excited for Glover as Lando, but I feel like we know far too little about how he’s going to play yet.

    I’m not trying to stir something, but after hearing that Rogue One was retooled—not to the degree as Solo, though—and also that The Force Awakens had at least some scripting start-over, I was surprised that The Last Jedi apparently had a smooth production, especially after seeing The Last Jedi.

    I’m hoping that Lawrence Kasdan’s involvement bodes well for the script.


    Well...it’s a film. I think that Uprising still has some personal touch and a decent portion of weirdness intact, but it’s also too close to the Transformers films in terms of now-generic sensory overload when it comes to the action. And I agree about the sense of weight. The new Jaeger(s) are less heavyweight, more

    I’ll simultaneously agree that most of what you say about the original is true, and that I also enjoyed it and think that it’s ‘geeky.’

    I finally watched Dragonslayer. I don’t understand how I wasn’t aware of it until very recently. What spurred me was mention of how great the dragon is, but it’s a really nice overall film, beautifully shot and full characters who behave with a dash more realism than expected. Certainly belongs on best-of lists for