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    That’s probably a fair test, but for me the true-true test of special effects is more about how well they interface with whatever environment they find themselves in. I loved the offshore nighttime battles in Pacific Rim. That was one of the things that gave the film atmosphere and edge and a unique visual fingerprint.

    A decade ago, who would’v believed that out of six or seven superhero films released across a year, Justice League would be the one that’s the easiest to forget about, the one that happened with more of a whimper than a bang?

    Audiences can want two things, or, there is more than one type of audience. I’m not sure that the success of Game of Thrones tells us that people aren’t interested in Tolkien anymore.

    Considering what you say about GoT being a reaction to LotR, more or less, to some extent I don’t think that the two play as imitations of each other. They’re both fantasy, but clearly different in tone and approach.

    Well, the reason for going back to the well, I think, is that there’s still a lot more money down there.

    In the sense that the Lord of the Rings is more a sequel to the Hobbit, with the latter concerning a single Hobbit adventure, I can see how a LOTR prequel could cover a lot of other things.

    All three of the films are far too long.

    Fun fact: the world ‘lord’ originally meant in earlier form ‘loaf-warden.’

    Space Jamangi

    If you mean to suggest that there are also films devoted entirely to single good songs, then I agree.

    Ironically, if I’m using that word correctly, Amy Grant was presented to me growing up as an example of some who sold out by chasing the mainstream.

    Oh, wow, okay. I don’t know much about these relationships.

    Is Orion theoretically part of this group, or is it something else entirely?

    I think that it might be the one that I’m from, but I’m just learning this myself so it’s only a hunch that would explain a lot of things.

    So it’s true, then.

    I also paused midway through, not sure how interested I was in going on. But the home stretch of Breaking Bad is fantastic and well -worth the journey, I’d say. No regrets.

    I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance bands are the future of low impact strength-training.

    I may be in the minority, but I find it perfectly enjoyable to watch at home on a small screen. It’s nice to look at in any resolution.

    The Guyver is one of those legendary films that you would see while browsing at the VHS rental place, and be both mesmerized (Mark Hamill!) and confused (everything else) by the art and synopsis.

    I guess that for me, I just wanted a good continuing story. Using a Star Wars film to, via heavy use of nostalgia, say a bunch of things about the need to detach from nostalgia, feels like one step back, one step forward at best.