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    That’s fair, but I think that there’s a blurry border when a new film is built on the foundation of older films and clearly meant to be experienced as part of a larger overall story.

    I’m using a figure of speech to talk about pop culture and opinions thereon, and am capable of making a distinction between that and other things.

    I’ve realized to my great astonishment that I’m in the minority on much of this these days, but TLJ reminded me more of the prequels than anything else, in a lot of ways. No one will ever replicate the awkward directorial style of latter day George Lucas, but I feel as though Rian Johnson was able to get closer than I

    For the greater good, or at least my own, I’ve generally decided to stop commenting on TLJ. But I will check in here on this:

    I wonder how much less Sting would be making if Diddy had cleared the sample.

    Hasn’t Spears received as much hatred herself?

    To be fair, the royalties that you could make in Sacramento are a special case.

    *cane be two things.

    I’m of the perspective that doing things differently is fine. I’m just not a fan of how those things were done differently.

    Not all of them. I was mildly disappointed with some of TFA but in general I really like it. Not everyone who dislikes TLJ is hypocritical or inconsistent in their preferences.

    It’s a good point that a small group of rebels (sorry, it was just too easy) given to hyperbolic reactions shouldn’t control the conversation. As usual, the fringe gets the headlines.

    It would be cool, I think, if someone developed a relatively indestructible home video format that looked like a small VHS tape but had the digital perks of Blu-ray.

    If they did something inventive, like showing Dunder Mifflin today struggling in a marketplace that has evolved even farther (further?) away from paper, maybe have Infinity come back as an attempted tablet design or something, open with Dwight in jail for something so that he could just be a recurring character...

    It was A Wrinkle in Time.

    It occurred to me after watching the film that Luke’s words to Rey about not having been scared enough by power before, those words ring a bit hollow when one considers that he nearly murdered his own sleeping nephew for the fear that he felt. How much more scared could you get? Maybe he’s saying that he should’ve

    There’s also a difference between “only Skywalkers can be special” and “this happens to be the story of the Skywalkers.” I get that we like having the Force opened up, but I never took away from any of these films that the potential to be a Jedi hero was limited to one family. Rather, this is the story of that family.

    I would disagree that this is either the best or the most radical moment in The Last Jedi. On the former assertion, a bit of hasty exposition would have a hard time qualifying for best moment of any film in my estimation. This matter could have been handled with considerably more clarity. The earlier cave scene had me

    The flashback shots of Rey as a kid watching a ship leave Jakku certainly seemed like the kindling of deliberate mystery to me. And the episode with the lightsaber and her conversation with Maz Kanata (“they’re never coming back...but there’s someone who still could”). The internet didn’t make those things up.

    I might have been fooled into taking Poe’s POV if he didn’t come across a such a foolish loose-canon. I could tell what the film was trying to do, but it wasn’t working.

    Frankly I can’t even remember details from the book. Mostly I played him in the N64 game. He was a mercenary with a saucer-shaped freighter and a sidekick.