I guess that what I mean by ‘never stopping’ is that they still seem to be trying to say something, trying to make a difference. There’s something commendable in that, even if it isn’t working out as well as it used to, or for me as listenable.
I guess that what I mean by ‘never stopping’ is that they still seem to be trying to say something, trying to make a difference. There’s something commendable in that, even if it isn’t working out as well as it used to, or for me as listenable.
It felt to me like Days of Future Past and Apocalypse had different directors, even though it was the same person. Even the post-credits scene in DOFP was almost completely different in tone, short though it was, from the full Apocalypse film.
I’m not sure whether or not I agree, because I can’t remember much of anything about the scene(s) you’re describing, one way or another.
I don’t see why it couldn’t just be something that she’s heard because it’s an obvious thing to say to someone with powers, regardless of Spider-Man.
I’ll be careful.
A while back, I saw part of a Colbert clip in which he made if I recall correctly, a Wookiee pun so bad that I, a lover of both Star Wars and puns—although I don’t care for ‘May the 4th’ so maybe Star Wars and puns don’t mix in general for me, but I digress—couldn’t finish the clip and could hardly watch anything…
I also expect Mara Jade to reappear in some form. The biggest elements from the old stories have a good chance, and along with Thrawn and Revan, Mara is one of the biggest names, one of the faces of Star Wars.
Somehow that’s one of the strangest little videos I’ve ever watched.
I’d like to see something maybe halfway to the Yuuzhan Vong, someday, just in the sense that it would be nice for Star Wars to explore other types of antagonists, and while the Vong did go too far into hardcore territory their general concept created some interesting new types of conflicts.
I don’t think it’ll ever come back, but beyond the silliness of the naming convention, I don’t have a problem with the whole concept. The Thrawn Trilogy involved cloning in other ways, so it fits the overall story and I guess I enjoy just how convenient a loophole it creates.
I’m having a hard time trying to imagine a Marvel film really bombing at this point. It seems as though the thing that holds many of them back from being great, i.e. the insistence on tying in and reinforcing the overall universe, also lays out a safety blanket for even the riskier ventures.
Do we know that for a fact?
Since the low point of the first Wolverine film, I think they’ve done very well. Six X-Men films and personally the only one I think is less than good is Apocalypse.
He’s had a starring vehicle since DOFP, and apparently retired from the role.
Chakotay. What can be said about him, really? He is kind of emblematic of the Maquis problems, I suppose.
A dino of some sort probably picks him up. I’m calling it: a flying dino carries Pratt up out of the cloud.
...Laura Dern inherits Star Wars.
New Frontier.
I am so, so glad that McFadden was brought back. I’ve always really liked Dr. Crusher and learning (I was very young when TNG started) that she had been fired and missed an entire season, what a shock.
Should I be able to know that the second video is a trainwreck? As a non-signer, it’s hard to say whether it looks good or not.