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    Storywise and especially tonally, Temple is the worst.

    Child me found them about equal. As an adult viewer, I can definitely see the more-silly, less-whateverness of Last Crusade, but it's still a lot of fun, and that's what Indy films are all about.

    No, it's not rye, has no particular flavor per se, it's just as dark as dark chocolate in color.

    Is really dark-brown bread a thing there, at all? That's what you get as an automatic appetizer at Outback.

    More fuel for the fire.

    It may not have been a good film, but it's 'competent' and apparently wasn't a production trainwreck behind the scenes.

    Star Wars Episode Xlash: London Colin

    So we've gone from having one reason to be concerned, to having another, or two even?

    Outback's charm, when it asserts itself (less so in recent years, in my experience) is that it just feels basic and comfortable, not at all 'fancy' unless the fact that there's lots of wood and low-lighting is what makes him feel that way about the atmosphere.

    I think that they'll use us for gladiatorial combat, bread and microchips and circuses, etc.

    Wow, cool.

    That sounds like a cool head, the Super Champ, nice size and options. What sort of speaker do you have it hooked up to?

    I'm a fan of spacey movies in general, but the trailers—those that I've seen, anyway—for Valerian didn't leave me with much of any clue to what it's about, or suggest who the lead characters were or why they might be interesting.

    Ghost in the Shell was a good nap-starter for me. I recall being really impressed with the opening, visually, but then gradually tapering off to fuzzyness of I'm not sure what happened.

    It doesn't make sense for it to be a man? Must the statue represent every possible person who could be inside a spacesuit, instead of just being a statue of a guy in a spacesuit, which is cool because it looks cool?

    (Make it Up, Baby)

    Day Trumper

    When you said 'the day,' I automatically assumed Linda-era and spent a moment scratching my head.

    She's more of a turbine, isn't she?

    I'm seeing double—four walruses!