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    There are plenty of more-straightforward films about bank robberies, I'm sure.

    more like a severely debased Inside Out

    To employ Rogue One Theory, since she did not appear onscreen in Iron Man, how could she still be alive in 2008?

    Because Howard the Duck was already taking up all of the space there?

    Just on the other side of a small Gap, I believe.

    I'd have guessed it was at the Old Banana Republic.

    I find concert ticket prices appalling and there are very few musicians, even legends, whom I'd pay a lot of money to see, but Paul McCartney is one of those few. This sounds awesome.

    I'm still holding out hope that she'll cameo in one of the other films coming up, although the options are shrinking (Ant-Man and the Wasp).

    In complete honestly, I've stumbled and fumbled between Scarlet Witch and Scarlett Johansson more than once.

    Huh, I thought that I'd heard something suggesting the opposite.

    Pepperidge Farm uses hydrogenated oils, uh, for however that might apply here.

    [citation needed]

    I guess that if one aims to troll, one reaches for the biggest button.

    To take an unreasonably serious perspective on this, I wonder how possible it even is to compile a list of the worst albums ever made. It would certainly take more work than a best albums list.

    The only reason for which I'd really plug into an amp and turn up would be to test the tone. Play a chord, a few notes by themselves, just to see how it sounds.

    Fantastic subject. Warner is one of my favorite actors who shows up in films or episodes, always lending an extra dose of class. He has a very distinctive presence, yet can believably play different characters, even within the same world as the Star Trek stuff of course demonstrates. Even through the makeup, he's

    In the biographic film Woman of Heart and Mind, Mitchell talks about trying to find the middle ground between Dylan and classic crooners, being able to combine complex lyrics with dynamic melodies without sacrificing one for the other. Very interesting stuff.

    Well, he is famous for Balin on projects that he starts.

    If it were Gloin to be Cumberbatch, we would've heard about that already.

    *contemplates Jack the Giant Killer reference, decides it won't be worth it*