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    I had a tall-ish friend, and I was surprised when he talked about how hard it was to find jeans the right size (he was probably only 6'2" or maybe 6'3" but apparently that's enough).

    Contrast that to the day when one of us becomes famous, and the audition people will reflect on how they couldn't get us to keep our shirt on.

    Are they usually so close to release date? I read that as the point of focus, not so much the reshoots themselves.

    Beta Ray Bill: CONFIRMED

    Any Major Dude Fitting This Description Will Do

    I'm not sure if the song use is appropriate, but just on the surface "It's the End of the World as We Know It" playing with the SETI scenes and so forth, it's like the best simple junk food possible.

    What would really be retro is to have the FAQ thread be a mailing list to be sent an informative program on VHS.

    Thom, is that you?

    When you think about it, isn't remaining open for business the most American thing possible? Are Holidays even Constitutional?

    We're gonna need a bigger bed.

    Kinja Club already exists?

    Because their arch-enemy is the big L, which can mean a few different things but is best fought with a Republican in office.

    Chili-mac, which I've decided to go with in honor of camping trips that my family took when I was a kid. Also some rainier cherries.

    Wakeboarding, man. Just ride the wake.

    ID4 (hey, it's easy to type) is probably due some sort of renaissance. All of the wild, flag-waiving Trumpians can get into it for the power rush, and the rest of us can pine after President Bill Pullman and the thought of giant alien death rays being our biggest problem.

    As my mind dimly rifles through my drawer of patriotic films, I'm coming up with…maybe something Captain America? Or perhaps Dave.

    Yes, and in an added prologue scene, Archduke Franz Ferdinand shoots first (but WWI starts anyway, for some reason).

    You mean, like hire George Lucas to oversee a Special Edition theatrical re-release?

    Sounds about right.

    And while Wonder Woman is a huge character in her own right, certainly known to casual viewers, BvS has the benefit of the two biggest names in the stable.