Gillford Totem

I have zero sympathy or fucks to give about these dudes. They've made their lonely woman-hating, spunk-crusted, cheeto-dusted beds, let 'em lie there.

about your stupid boner

you come scream your idiot opinions that you think are fact. Like I seriously don't get the entitlement men like you have. No one here wants to talk about your fucking dick preferences, but you keep bringing them up.

You're on a website primarily geared towards women, commenting on an article about women being abused, and you can't shut the fuck up about "perky tits, nice body, etc." It's time for you to slump on back to Reddit, sonny. I'm sure the GamerGate message boards are wondering where you've gotten off to...

*yawn* you waltzed in here, all butt hurt and just waiting for someone to react - because you apparently have no life and live to run over to Jez to poke the hornet's nest? Color me *so* impressed with your maturity....

Here you are, still talking about your boner and what it like on a site where no one really cares, troll. How about you take it and talk about it where somewhere cares?

You know, people who aren't misogynistic douches don't suddenly become one (or "act" like one) because someone insulted them. Just something to think about.

you're just trolling to be angry, aren't you? looking for an excuse to throw around all those lovely insults men like you just LIVE to throw at women, trying to make us feel bad?

Hot 20-year-old piece of ass? Your respect for women is becoming legendary.

I agree that we shouldn't downplay the agency and self-possession of younger women. But there is a certain type of guy that goes after much younger women precisely because he thinks they will be easier to control or less likely to stand up to them. I'm suspicious of dudes that exclusively date much younger women

Funnily enough, I was having this exact conversation last weekend at a dinner party and Jian Ghomeshi came up as the uber-example of the douche that dates younger women because of the power differential. He's known for it.

Well, I'm a well-educated and reasonably intelligent woman, and I was in my 20s, too. But I can tell you that I put up with an awful lot of goddamn crap from men when I was younger than I do now that I'm middle-aged. It's got nothing to do with whether men find women their age desirable, or whether or not we're

You're very naive.

I was a 20-year-old woman once and, a grown-ass adult woman now, I'm a lot less amenable to some man's stupid BS now than I was then so, you can call it a tired way of thinking if it pleases you, but it's also the truth. Adult women are waaaaay more capable of standing up for themselves than someone who was an under

I don't think it's about older women needing ego cookies at all. When I was 20, I did not have the spine to stand up against a guy who was abusive to me. I shudder to think what I would have accepted had he been semi-famous. Obviously #notallwomen, but it's not easy when you're younger and still figuring shit out to

Right, cuz Faith Hill and Kate Walsh are real uggos. Go jump back up your mother, hobgoblin.

Is it really bragging when a 47-year-old man admits to dating a 20-something girl? Because it just strikes me as weak and pathetic. There's a reason abusers don't go after a fully-fledged adult woman who will tell them to step off. They can't handle being challenged by a person of self-possession and power.

You are so young to be a mercenary, what an amazing achievement. Please explain to us women some more about how to navigate the big bad world.

Twenty and already a mercenary. Busy little boy.

I bet if it were you, you'd do anything to not have your body violated in such a way. But I'm sure you'd say otherwise.