Gillford Totem

See, the problem I have with your argument is that you're trying to justify calling someone a bitch.

I'd love to, but everyone at Gawker keeps telling me that specific phrases (outside of obviously horrible racial slurs) belong to certain types of people.

My gratitude for thy most hasty reply is boundless.

I don't know, I kind of agree with the Buzzfeed article. I've seen "basic" used in order to dismiss women based on their consumption of traditionally feminine products. That is casual misogyny, and it is not okay.

Can you point me to the list of words/phrases I *am* allowed to use? While I wait for the list, I'll just speak in olde thyme talk(e), hence.

if men "can't control themselves" then shouldn't they be put on a leash?

Jessica Williams is a treasure, and I hope she'll continue to be on The Daily Show for many, many years to come.

Their goal is to complain, undermine feminists, and derail every conversation that doesn't focus on them and feed their persecution complex.

So, aside from being a proud Rapey-American who feels oppressed, you're threatened that white privilege is under attack? White Privilege is something you're afraid of losing?

"Erin's willingness to condemn a stranger to a life behind bars based on speculation and- at best- limited information is to be admired!"

Dude/Bro.... it's simple. It's so simple. Rapey douchebags are not being discriminated against. If you stop being rapey douchebags, people will stop hating you. The race/gender comparison isn't really accurate, because it's relatively easy to stop being a rapey douchebag. It's a choice, you know? I don't think you

Are you male, because there is plenty of money to be made in it for males as well. Just an FYI.

Reading your question, I feel that what is being implied here is that all women are for sale at some price. Not the case. Sorry.

Ah, but let's not get it twisted—the original responder's insinuation that women are silly for not taking the "easy money" (which implies that sex work is easy, which it isn't) and his assumption that women aren't interested in going to college and making money just like he is is actually much, much more repulsive.

There are a lot of reasons besides "moral objections." For one, there's a big difference between making a free choice to go home with someone for your own pleasure and being in a professional situation where you have to be intimate with someone you're not necessarily attracted to or comfortable having touch you. Not

I think you can kinda answer your own question though. Why aren't you doing cam work or escorting? There's demand for male cammers as well as females. There's also demand for male escorts.

What you do all day, and the people you interact with, invade your imagination and color the world. When your customers view you as an object and a commodity, it's likely to be hard to shake that off when you're not working. It's going to color your view of men and your feelings about sex. When sex becomes the thing

Because some of us want a job that requires more of our intellectual capacity that amusing horny men; we're passionate about books or medicine or tech and we want to make an impact in a field that matters to us. Some of us want to have a professional reputation and the respect of others and not to have to hide behind

Unless of course you don't want your body abused. Many people believe they can abuse what they paid for.

I take it you are male. There are scores of reasons why a woman wouldn't become a high-end escort. I just cant...