Gillford Totem

As such, your use of the words 'fear and respect' are a bit...odd. 'Fear' should never be a part of the lexicon or connotation regarding sexuality or sexual anatomy.

It's not that women are SHOCKED by dick pics; it's more of a consent issue—in the early stages of courtship (especially BEFORE you've established a sexual relationship with someone), a dude's presumption in sending you a photo of their genitals without an explicit "yes please send me a photo of your junk" IS a

Clearly socioeconomic factors and therefore educational opportunities have some effect on cognitive development—improving social conditions, can play into increased gender equality

The "starter husband" is mostly offensive to me, because it obviously came from the extremely offensive phrase "starter wife" (I'm just going to assume not everyone knows what that is and post this:…)

Eh, they are very clearly sexist, but I don't see how this is any more or less sexist than almost every other ad out there. I don't quite see what purpose it serves to single out Nine West. I can't get worked up over these specifically, because then I'd just be a rage monster every time I saw an ad on tv or picked up

I'm filing this under "lazy, uninspired, stereotypical lady marketing made by some assjack who probably makes twice as much as me."

I've seen worse:

I wrote Nordstrom's product and marketing copy for a few years, and I think I would have stomped out in a raging huff if I'd had to write or edit any of this nonsense. Boo hiss, Nine West.

I vote "Too stupid to be offensive"

Are you suggesting that physical evolution has something to do with beauty ideals that change within a generation or that physical evolution occurs within a generation in humans? Because either way you're incorrect.

So you'll complain about it, but actually doing something to fix the problem, even when that "something" is literally every bit as easy as complaining, is beneath you. Got it!

I truly do think they're trying to craft a stereotype into which they can dismissively lump everyone who points to science/stats when making an argument. It's a trick, not an argument. And frankly reading it gave me a headache.

Hey anyone here old enough to remember when Joy of Sex came out?

I have health issues that make my body hair grow fast, coarse, dark and in very large volumes (yep, you guessed it, hormonal). Shaving doesn't do shit for me, since it grows back extremely fast and irritates my skin. Using epilators (or w/e they're called) or waxing is very painful and the results last for a few days

Every summer lots of women decide they won't shave their legs and feel #empowerment and #freedom, but they are all women with this barely noticable body hair that won't offend anyone. Meanwhile, those of us whose unshaven legs are undistinguishable from a man's wish the summer was over soon so that we can stop hearing

Women just letting their body hair grow, naturally, and then showing it off???!! ASTONISHING. BOLD. REVOLUTIONARY.

how cute. they think that's hairy... I've paid god knows how many thousands of dollars to laser/wax/epilate/obliterate my underarm shrubbery in the hopes of getting it to that state of thin wispy wonderfulness instead of tough wiry bristle-brush-like grotesquery.

Sorry ladies, your pit hair genes barely match my chin hair genes. I'd "celebrate my body" too if it sprouted within acceptable limits.

I wish this were a more global trend. And I wish it would encompass all body hair. Body hair is natural, it's your choice to remove it (or not). However the social ostracizing a girl can receive for having hairy legs or pits is horrible sometimes. There is so much shame associated with it. Sigh.