Gillford Totem

That is the same justification of creep shots takers, man. "She was wearing a skirt in the subway, she had no expectation of privacy, I can take a photo under her skirt!".

Nice reading comprehension.

LOL HETEROPHOBIC! What a maroon.

Sure, taking a rape victim at her word makes me a man-hating bitch, but only if you're an MRA troll.

The only time when sex by persuading someone to do something by using force or threats otherwise known as coercion is consenual is basically when it's a previously agreed upon kink.

Damn, you picked some real scumbags to White Knight.

Because any person with a baseline knowledge of victim behavior knows that coercion is absolutely possible with out a weapond and without huge outcry, especially if the victim has been victimized in the past. Honestly, it takes someone a brick short of a load to propose what you're stating.

Oh yeah, I already got one brainless cockwalloper with "we don't yet know if it was rape or just regret"— because as we know, the word "NO" leaves so many foggy areas. Especially when paired with the girl struggling to break away and run like hell. Yeah, real unclear.

Seven comments in 10 minutes, all blaming the victim. So are you are professional rape apologist, or is this just a hobby for you?

That hasn't stopped prosecutors from going after similar people in the past.

Decaf, sweetie.

Wait wait wait....

"So you don't modify your speech for the listener when you intend on bring heard? Because most people do, rather than placing the onus on the listener to do the heavy lifting, especially at the speaker's request. Seems arrogant and presumptuous."

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

Yah, not really. Feminism is busy changing the world. You're busy whining.

Thanks for defining my feminist journey for me. But all feminists are the same, right? Right.

Neither. I talk like a normal person.

I think everyone, regardless of gender appreciates being listened to. I'm more interested in whether or not men are less inclined to listen to women with genuine interest. I suspect they are. I know that in group settings women are more often interrupted.

Well to be fair 'science' only confirms social conditioning, which has been our point all along. I think you mean when 'science' confirms biological imperatives behind what we consider gendered behavior (kind of rare on the whole), that *might* piss some feminists off. I find it all pretty fascinating, regardless.