Gillford Totem

Wow, so you’re not only blowing off the experiences of the women on the board, you’re blowing off the experiences of any heterosexual men who don’t want to screw just whoever. I mean, I’m a man, and I know sex is closely tied with emotion and intimacy for me; the casual hookup stuff would drive me nuts. I tend to be

Same...! When I was 16 I decided that it was *time* for me to have sex with a dude, and it took me a good two years to actually get there. So now when my friends say something like “well boys are easy” I’m like... well ok, I must just be supremely unattractive then.

Hold up: Are you, as a size 4-6, seriously putting yourself out there as an example of a woman who gets male attention/affection despite being unattractive!? Even if you don't look like a supermodel it sounds like you're at least above average among civilian women so I'm just going to bow out of this mess right now.

It’s not that NO man will, but ones you find hot? That’s not going to happen for me because I’m chubby and my face is ugly apparently. It wouldn’t shock me that someone who looks like a plus-size model would have boyfriends aplenty though. Coincidentally I am 33 in Philly and have had no love life to speak of since

Wow that’s rich. Congrats on all the romantic love you get, then, just for loving yourself and feeling sexy.

I’m so glad you’re here to explain women’s experiences to women.

My point is that your opinion – and the “stories you have heard” – are each “just one anecdotal point” just like all the stories *I* have heard – and also told – echo what the woman I quoted said.

Size 12 but must be a toned hourglass figure with no flab, though. Just like a size 4 with the "wrong" proportions and too much flab will get a thumbs down.

You don't even need every form of media to get the message that you must be x lbs and y amount of pretty to get love/boning. Hearing the things men say and witnessing the things they do from the time you're a little kid gets the point across pretty well.

If putting down the fashion mags and not caring what you look like were a formula for getting a boyfriend I’d be drowning in quality dick. "Once you love yourself whole heartedly nothing else will matter" is a chicken-and-egg type problem if I ever heard one.

How old were you when this happened and where did you live? At no point along my weight spectrum have I had men even turn to look at me let alone ask me out, except when I was in my early 20’s a couple times. No matter what I do I will always look fundamentally mousy/frumpy or just not the kind of woman men view that

So according to these comments ‘catching a dick’ isn't something to brag about because men will fuck anyone. This is not true. At all. And this idea really screwed up my self esteem in high school and college. I honestly thought I was the only woman on the planet who couldn’t get laid.

Oh my god, could you be any more sexist? Did you even fucking read the garbage that you wrote?

And of course I heard someone say “She’s not even that attractive and she’s not funny. I don’t know who let her be on tv. Maybe if she was hotter I would watch her show”

What makes you think I'm angry? Really amateur-level trolling there, I'm embarrassed for you.

A woman expresses mild annoyance.

What are you talking about? My point was that just as feminism doesn't need to work for the privileged class (men) the LGBTQ movement doesn't need to work for the privileged class (cishet people). Where are you getting that I'm claiming there's no discrimination against gay people? Where are you getting that I'm

Ban the word feminist? That would take away the fun of watching certain people freak out when I tell them I'm raising my sons to be feminists. Why not ban the word atheist too so I get no joy at all : )