Gillford Totem

Yes that situation is exactly like a 14-year-old being forced to marry a middle-aged stranger against her will by her relatives, whereupon he forcibly rapes her. I'm glad you brought it up to give us some perspective.

Did you post this so everyone would think this is not a huge and heartbreaking problem which requires international attention?

That is some serious hair-splitting there, Gonzo. You must be proud of your ability to be obtuse and derail however your disingenuousness is belied by the topic of the actual thread.

1) I suppose you could say that 700 million is "almost 1/7" of 7 billion. You could, more accurately and just as easily, say that it "is 1/10"."

Not really. Your mother was a child bride, inasmuch as she married when she was legally a child. The statement is accurate and not inflated.

Male what? Male angler fish? Because yeah, sexual parasitism from female angler fish does kinda suck!

Can you at least have the decency to insult us with jokes that are actually funny? I know it's hard, leave it to the pros.

Maybe not body related as much

#FalseEquvalent In order for a man to get mocked for his body, he has to rise to the level of morbidly obese (and perhaps smoke a lot crack). Hillary has a typical female form for women of a certain age.

Umm, no? Obama has been attacked on many fronts, mostly the birther/Commie bullshit, but I don't recall his appearance or fatherhood being fodder for national debate and criticism. I think Sarah Palin is a piece of shit, but even she was attacked for things particular to being a woman.

Women are attacked on many different levels, including some to which men are not subjected. They're attacked based on looks, fashion sense, marital status, motherhood skills, work-life "balance", etc. They're also subject to threatening behavior of a different sort, including rape threats. Being a woman in charge

...or, men could work on getting their decoding ability up to par, and reap the benefits of being able to more accurately gauge women's sexual interest. I'm not sure why you're so keen to put the entire burden on women here.

And I'm sure that the women in your life think you're very brave, too, the way you pick fights with "girly feminists" about what women should or should not do when caught off guard by a date's noxious behavior.

Oh can I rant about the homeless one? Please?

"Aww, it's so cute and little!" or "hmm, you should probably have that looked at"' or, "Congratulations, it's a boy."

I am honestly terrified for anyone that ends up dating you.

She continued the date because women have been conditioned to believe that a man who both has a job and can string several sentences together without screaming "TITS!!" or assaulting us is worth "seeing where it goes". She didn't give him permission, she didn't ask for it, and it bothered her progressively more as

Actually, cupcake, it was a question. Are you tragically and painfully clueless, or is this some sort of lame game?

Consent is not retroactive. He either had her consent when he sent the picture, or he didn't. It's not possible for a person to "allow" something that has already taken place without her permission. Consent cannot be implied after the fact merely because a woman failed to react in the specific way in which you think