Gillford Totem

The asshole basically wants his soon-to-be ex to serve as a masturbatory orifice while he pumps away, sans foreplay. "We were twenty minutes early to dinner." One of the times they had sex she was sore the next day. Doesn't say good things about spreadsheet guy's abilities.

I haven't seen anyone defending this woman, and all of the comments I read on the article with the country singer defended him and denounced the crazy lady that sexually assaulted him.

You seem to have an agenda, but none of these comments are supporting it.

Did we read the same article? You've obviously come in with an agenda. Good luck with that.

Ok that graph just made me laugh. Thank you for that. Protip: statistics don't work like that.

Man your trolling needs work, son. I mean, penis envy? Can you try a troll from the 21st century at least?

Well, she's dead. She loved all of her children, but when I went with my father to visit her in the hospital before she died, it was clear that the greatest regret of her life was not being able to provide a better life for her children.

Yes, being pregnant against your will is very much a thing. My grandmother had five children. She was extremely ill all nine months of each pregnancy. My grandfather kept her pregnant so she couldn't leave. They lived in crushing poverty, and the more children she had, the less it was possible to escape. How hard is

Oh, you mean that switch that it's up to MEN to actually follow through on... because I was under the impression that when it came to getting someone pregnant and disappearing while the woman's body goes through life-altering changes was what the man did. But sure, I guess it can all become the woman's responsibility

Lets ALSO pretend that all women want to be mommies and all unwanted pregnancies result in healthy and well cared for children. While we're on a roll lets also pretend you have a clue. THIS IS A SUPER FUN GAME OF PRETEND!

Yes, if they choose to engage in actions that may result in pregnancy they should take responsibilty for their actions.

Women are not always able to demand that their partner use a condom. Some just won't. And if you can't comprehend of a culture or social system in which a woman (very often a married woman) simply *cannot* refuse her partner sex, then your world view is very limited. Before you helpfully suggest the pill, I also

That's not the argument really. The argument is, abortion should be legal because it is not humane to force a woman to carry a fetus to term. Abortion should be legal because it is a procedure that, when done by a medical professional, is not unsafe and can vastly change a woman's life for the better. Abortion should

Since you mentioned it, speaking of that pesky problem called worldwide pandemic sexual violence against women and children aka "rape".......this doesn't exactly square with your 'waiting for marriage solves all the unwanted pregnancies,' bullshit. For now, let's pretend all married women are absolutely thrilled to

I find your comparison between rape and abortion very offensive. However, considering your views on this subject as expressed by your comments, I fear you will never understand why.

Some people will never get married or, shocking I know, never want to get married. Should those people just remain forever celibate to appease your Flying Spaghetti Monster? Other people's sex lives and potential subsequent abortions have absolutely zero effect on your quality of life and well-being so just leave well

ah yes, because marriage prevents unwanted pregnancies!

Actually, it might not be. Pregnancy and childbirth can be incredibly unsafe for young women (pregnant teenagers, bodies not fully developed yet), women with certain medical conditions, women without access to healthcare, women in poverty, and even for perfectly healthy and privileged women.

It's also a great solution if you want to live in even greater poverty and suffering than you are already, and make sure that your children have even less to eat.