Gillford Totem

We leave them to be educated by those who DO give a fuck (i.e. young activists who still have the righteous fire in their bellies).

So basically, women don't deserve respect because they aren't asking nicely enough. Good to know, thanks.

Lol, you should settle down on the posting. Your comments are the textual equivalent of foaming at the mouth.

"I have pointed out that feminists have a tendency to avoid rational argument."

False. There are tons of resources available for anyone with even a moderate understanding of using a search engine (which, anymore, is just about everyone in the US, and certainly every troll commenting on this story), not to mention the great feminist classics and feminist readers that give you a huge overview of

Ranch dressing is gross and you're obtuse to very commonly-known metaphors.

Maybe we don't give a fuck whether they give a fuck. The promise of them one day maybe giving a fuck if we make enough concessions is that carrot dangling on a stick always just out of reach. Fuck that carrot.

Your mistake is thinking that you are the arbiter of the truth about "feminist issues," to whom arguments for or against are being directed.

I don't know if popularity has much to do with it given 50 Shades of Gray being derivative of Twilight but I question the judgment of anyone who says 50 Shades of Gray is a testament to literature as an art form.

Try being in your 60s. I haven't given a fuck in so long, I can't remember when I did.

Because she's got to get her quota of annoying Devil's Advocating done before the weekend?

"You lost me at hello." Well, no one gives a fuck.

I'm done giving a fuck trying to coach bros and ignorant white dudes along with a treat and a smile. They can get with the program or fuck right off.

Like people give a fuck about women NOW.

Yeah, you know what asking nicely has gotten us? Absolutely fucking nothing. They used to call feminism "women's lib'", short for "liberation", and liberation is NOT something men are eager to give out.

Oh, I've tried it, and it's awesome. As a woman working in the male dominated field of real estate development and construction, IDGAF either becomes your mantra, or you don't make it.

work through the problem of homosexual couples not being able to conceive children on their own.

Actually, having seen a fair amount of this stuff (I was in Supernatural fandom for WAAAAAAAY too long), the power dynamics are usually much closer to male-on-female than male-on-male, but also closer to male-on-female creature that only exists in misogynists' fevered imaginings than male-on-female. The "bitch" (i.e.,

You don't think ascribing animal physiology and modes of reproduction to either real people or characters is kind of funny taking a step back and letting go of the investment you have in it?

I think the main revolt-ion comes from the serious lack of biological basis. Also, a complete misunderstanding of wolf pack dynamics irks a few.