Gillford Totem

Hobby Lobby doesn't pay for it. Medical plans are part of the employees total compensation, and are taxed accordingly. Hobby Lobby is trying to stiff employees by not allowing them a tax refund on this portion of their health care.

It's simple: medical plans should cover all medication deemed necessary by doctor and patient. If items only used by women are not covered, that is sexist. If the government decides to allow companies to decide what they want to cover, that is interfering with the person prescribing medication, who has sworn an oath

1. Hobby Lobby only asked to ban four forms, but the Supreme Court ruled that corporations can refuse to provide any forms.

Ugh. That argument is just boring and untrue.

I wonder at what age little girls stop being special and start being expendable, the way grown women are to people like this. It's like a sad bat mitzvah.

So very special, unless they require food/housing/healthcare assistance, that is.

Because men are not an oppressed minority who deserve additional opportunities to make up for generations of systemic discrimination.

"Naturally the real fraction of people at least aware of sexual tension at any given time depends on chemistry and how you fit any given dude's (or lesbian's) appearance standards..."

You already extrapolated.

And you know what? Lesbians and bi/pansexual women, from my experience, have plenty of self-control. I've

How much of a sexist ass do you have to be to declare it "uncommon" for 18% of women to get raped? If, in fact, that statistic were accurate, that would not denote "uncommon," bit it's still low. You also arguing that we treat all women as inherently unreliable witnesses to crimes committed against them, which harms

After Jada finished telling her story, SuChin Pak said, "That's a very plausible story. That can happen at parties."

Of the remainder some are being polite because that is a smarter way to get to know a woman, some are genuinely uninterested and some are gay.

Actually, you're wrong. It's spelled puerile. I made a typo. What's your excuse?

Yeah, and Kotaku is reall pro-video games. Is a strong editorial vision a bad thing when it is a web site that is presenting one general type of news story in a pantheon of other news sites? What's wrong with an editorial bias of 'yay ladies!' without the ever constant drum of 'bitches are the worst' thrown in for

I'm sure these magazine shoots are not the idea of the subject. If you're game for anything, someone telling you "Hold this naked model!" is like "sure, why not, sounds fun!" So I don't blame him.

Sorry that I can't laugh about it. Women of any race are seen as status symbols, the race only varies with region. In the US, Asian and white women are the trophies. In Russia and northern Europe, black women are the most coveted. But all women are seen as trophy scarves, whether it's to get Miley Cyrus' new vid more

Dude's are just different from women, but not from lesbians?

(side note: I must have completely missed your citation!)

And, yes, I'm a charmer for thinking that men are animals for being slaves to their instincts. One of the fundamental things that makes us human is our goddamn self control. If you're dehumanizing


Are you saying that it is in men's nature to dehumanize women? As if men have no fucking self control? Well, in that case, if you're going to behave like animals, then expect for us to treat you like one.

It's in men's nature to objectify and dehumanize women? Yeah, ok.

news flash: many women don't like to be talked about as if they're prizes to be won.

Good luck with the rest of fatherhood, buddy.