Gillford Totem

Yeah, because people had such respect for women prior to the feminist movements, right? What with denying them the right to vote, considering them the legal property of their husbands who could beat and rape them, and keeping them out of the workforce.

You know, or maybe men need to step it up in the parenting department. I mean, women are bringing money in to the household, so men need to do more domestic chores and parenting.

Stop. Just stop right the fuck now. This is not the place for that bullshit.

"Don't let your girls go to parties" ??????????

I definitely don't think a man should ever feel obligated to involve himself in a fight if he's risking getting hurt. Some men (and shit, some women) are big enough to do it. A friend of mine plays hockey and she is ridiculously strong. She is the manager of a bar and she herself has physically thrown rowdy men out.

This may come off as nitpicky, but I don't give a shit:

This isn't directed at EGR, but media sources need to quit calling it "having sex." It was rape. Rape and distributing child porn. I hope everyone who shared the videos gets hit with child porn charges. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Where do we go from here? I mean, it's not enough that you rape someone. You now have to make record of it and show everyone so they can laugh at the victim and you can further piss on their dignity. F*ck.

Now playing

hey,i put in "eartha kitt gif" and found the actual video where the gif comes from!

Did you miss this part?

The whole point of this is for men who refuse to take a firm "no," as clearly implied in the title ("the dude who won't leave you alone"). If you ask for a woman's number and you respect her enough to stop pestering her after she turns you down, I doubt you have anything to worry about.

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Ah, Warrwn Farrell. He is the most amazing asshole. "Before it was rape we called it a good time." How chilling is that?

I know this is a waste of time but...

I am using my brain and no, I will not, "ditch that verbiage."

I was just reading about a book by some "famous" MRA that featured a naked woman's butt on the cover. The author's justification was literally that attractive women oppress men by being attractive.

MRAs already are cartoonish representations of themselves.

If you think that women treating these childish creeps with understanding and compassion will make them respond in kind, then I have swampland in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

Oh no!!! Whatever will I do if one of the most pathetic, subhuman group of miserable little losers hate me??? *quivering lips*

It's a pretty common tactic employed when the "men in charge" think that the womenz are getting a little too big for their britches. Every time we get a small foothold in somewhere, they attack from a different angle. It distracts us while they pass new legislature and infringe on our rights elsewhere.

I've started combatting this sort of stupidity in my day-to-day life by checking every single idiot who excuses rape with a bullshit excuse. It started with my dad, who is normally wonderful, making some sort of, "She was asking for it," remark, which I followed up by an acid, "Oh, and was I?" and some reminders about