Gillford Totem

Do you know what male circumcision is? Please describe it to me and explain WHY it is done.

No. That is not what I am saying.

Your logic is profoundly impaired. Please state some credible statistics (with citations) with regards to the number of women in the last 365 days who have :

Here's still another link, which leads to ANOTHER link. Note that in the FIRST link I posted, the author contacted the CDC directly for clarification——-and got it. It seems some people, however, are so eager to dismiss sexism against women that they jumped on this with both feet.

It's fun because the CDC has pointed out that only flawed math produces that type of figure. And you know what? People are just DESPERATE to ignore that the CDC itself is disputing their claim.

You feel "attacked" for being called a straight white guy?

Why do straight white guys always ask that question?

men should be taught not to hit anyone, dummy.

You don't believe patriarchy exists but you believe women are more violent than men? Hoo boy. How's that Kool-Aid taste?

Men kill more than women do. You're doing a shitty job of proving that women are equally violent even though they produce fewer casualties.

you're sexist. and violent. you are the problem.

If it makes you feel any better, 'ban men' is behind 'white slavery' on the liberal agenda, so you've still got plenty of time to be a total fuck face.

So are you just incredibly satire-impaired, or did you just come over from an mra forum?

Here comes Captain Literal to demonstrate the dangers of being unaware of satire!

Male anger is not just constantly validated, but glorified. Whole media franchises are based around it. Anger is what we're allowed to express. Noble visions of men still focus around the direction of anger towards deserving targets and exerting mastery.

Worried about what?

Girls are taught not to hit men, because it could get them killed.

Just in case people miss the satire: She's not actually advocating banning all men, she's making an absurd suggestion to counteract the absurd suggestion that if teh womenz would just stop slutting it up and get married there would be an end to violence and sexual assault.

in b4 the mras!