Gillford Totem

where are the people who supposedly taught you to read?

Oh for God's sake, when teenage girls are exploited by teachers, judges claim that they were "older than their chronological age" and "partly responsible" and the rapist goes to jail for 30 days—not quite the death penalty.

It's very clearly expressed in both the article and the comments. Where have you been?

Uh, you should probably try reading because the outrage is everywhere. Nice try, though.

It gets drawn somewhere on THAT side of "14-year-old special needs student and his teacher".

"'Consensual but illegal'"?

Is it nice down there? Because up here in the real world, 10 year old girls are raped nightly by their "husbands." Someone's husband is at this very moment sexually abusing his own daughter. Someone else's husband had a long, hard week and thinks it's his right to shove his dick into his wife as she's falling asleep -

Right, none of HIS friends could be rapists, they're honest, awesome,manly men. The feminist women he knows? Oh they're just liars. Comeing forward about rape is soooo much fun that they just love to do it! It couldn't be that their rapes and the way they are dismissed by people like him is what made those women see

Did it ever occur to him that maybe some victims become feminists if they weren't already? Or that maybe people who speak openly about feminism are also more likely to speak openly about rape? More comforting to assume that rape is a myth that feminists created.

It's about sex offenders committing a crime which is a microcosm of the way society views women and girls. It's about a crime where the offender gets the sympathy.

You get a D-. Put a little effort in your trolling.

You're missing the point entirely and making a false equivalence between some European countries with specific, narrow but definitely restrictive laws and a fucking Islamic "Republic" that takes away that freedom from women entirely (whether it be through mandatory veiling and/or dozens of other means). You're coming

Not to these people, which was actually my point. To religious conservatives, the bad thing about rape is that the woman had sex.

Uh, if you're forcing a segment of your population to cover up it is oppression. No one is forcing Iranian women who want to cover to take it off. Their desire to cover is not more valid than these women's desires to uncover.

It's abhorrent that they chose being a victim of gang rape as the worst insult to throw at a woman. This is 7 layers of fucked up.

Whoa... their false accusation is that she got raped and therefore is an untrustworthy "whore"? Every time I think I'm too jaded to be shocked by things people say in Iran, man, they get me. Every damn time.

Troll....def: A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by

Your illiteracy is showing and so is your confirmation bias.

95% of schoolteachers would be men if the pay doubled.

At the risk of being controversial, I worry that we haven't socialized men to be good at this (which is a shame). A lot of the men I work with (read: not all men) in a professional environment really don't have any conception of how to care for others (or even themselves). It's like they grew up with a mother and then