Gillford Totem

I know this isn't a first but ... its awesome to see an older woman talking about sex on a major show. I mean she's 77 and owns its. All too often media portrays sex reinforces classic tropes about sex being about young people, especially ignoring woman past a certain age.

I think it's a troll.

Awww, smile, honey! It's the second best thing you can do with your mouth. xoxo

She has important intergalactic possibilities to consider. She cannot be bothered by dull things such as ensuring all races can drink from the same water fountains and attend the same schools. How, you know, tedious.

I honestly can't believe this post got as many 'stars' as it did. Being passionate about feminism doesn't mean you have to go give up your time and money and dedicate yourself wholly to this charitable cause — it's a movement that advocates correcting v. basic inequalities that still exist and promotes ending the

Is it wrong of me that I'm taking such delight in this little twat's demise?

Exactly. She might not be saying she's against feminism, but she is dismissing it as something optional for women, which is kind of infuriating.

Person of color here too. Yes, I understand not everyone can be interested in everything. It would be nice for her to acknowledge, however, the hard work that white ladies & ladies of color have done in the name of feminism to pave the way for her success. It's not as bad as some other celebs who are so ignorant as to

Being a feminist doesn't mean you have to support everything that every woman-identified person says or does.

uh huh

"I mean, if you want to talk about how it's stupid to let people know that you are dispassionate about a cause we are all supposed to support, then I agree."

I dunno. I'm a person of color and if I said that "Oh you know anti-racism and civil rights, it's like watching paint dry amirite?" I think people would be understandably pissed. She's building her dumbass career and persona on some antiquated feminine icons though so I'm not really shocked.

I just saw this Keira Knightley quote and I will post it:

"There is an under-representation of our stories, just as there is an under-representation of us in politics and in business and everywhere. That's what feminism is [to me] right now – the recognition that we are still not equal. I absolutely love guys. I love

At this point, I think people need to stop asking celebrities about feminism because you're rarely going to hear an intelligent response from them.

None of your fucking business in any way?

Why don't you tell your asshole friends that if they hadn't gang raped someone your shitty town wouldn't be in the news?

I would call her a girl. Just like I would call every guy who apparently has slept with her a guy. Wow, pretty easy.

My SIL's BIL, who I generally like a lot recently said, "It's my job to protect my daughter and encourage my son." I almost vomited.

Yeah, it's all about you.