Gillford Totem

I am guessing the comment needs to be edited ...

MRAs do, in fact, try to stop feminists from doing anything. They harass us, stalk us, and even threaten us.

And lol @ them "helping" men. Have they actually done any activism? And flooding a system intended to gauge sexual assault on campus with false accusations doesn't count as "activism."

....speaking of which,

Really? How do they have time to advocate for equality in family law, education, and the courts in between trolling feminists and writing whiny, misogynistic articles for the manosphere?

No feminists are misandrists. When did you last see a gang of women beating a man to death or raping him for the hell of it? "Misandry" is the pathetic lie of cry baby men who are pissed that after thousands of years they're not totally getting their way, every way, every day. Pathetic. You make me sick, posting

I would recommend that anyone abstain from rubbing any head incessantly. But you're talking about weird behavior as opposed to people simply living. I'm not personally offended by people I'm not attracted to enjoying some beach or pool time because I don't view people through a lens of what pleasure/service they can

I wouldn't waste too much of your time on onyxruby. He mostly discusses cars, punctuated with occasional outbursts of: "Reverse sexism!" on the various Gawker sites.

Can you explain why I should give a fuck what "good looking guys" think of me in a bathing suit? I mean, can you really explain why someone's negative opinion of the appearance of my body should matter, and why it should matter more if they are "good looking"? Please. I'm all ears.

Clearly you've never read online MRA forums. Those dudes are fucking nuts.

If you don't do things in public that make you look stupid, why the fuck are you commenting on Jezebel? Because let me tell you... you look like a goddamn moron.

I'm so angry, I don't know where to begin.

Don't feed the troll, guys.

No one's making you look. You could simply look over there. Or over there. Or better yet, how about YOU don't go to the beach if there might be things there that are unpleasant to look at.

I mean, that's nice and all, but I am a "real" woman and I am covered in stretch marks, scars, and cellulite. So we need to go one step further and really look at plus size bodies in real life and what they look like and what women's insecurities might be!

You poor thing, women no longer pay attention to you. For us women, we call it "hitting the age of 30." What makes you think that you are entitled to our attention anyway?

asking someone out sucks too because then they have the power because you're the one who likes them

its amazing that these men who complain about no one being attracted to them rate women in such a narrow way. Maybe if you didn't think you were entitled to a 95 lb 17 year old virgin you might get some action, you ever fucking think about that fuckheads????

Get help.

CAREFUL - you don't want to hurt the delicate man-feelings of people like Seth Rogen or Judd Apatow (or in this case, the people over at the Big Bang Theory)

This makes me physically sick.