Gillford Totem

Suuuuuure he did. Sure he went out to kill those "stuck up, blond......boys......" Sure he blamed being a virgin What better place to look for men but at......a sorority?

Stop lying bro. You're "doing" all those things by blaming women/feminism for them. Women aren't to blame for ANY of that shit.

I should add, since frequently people just don't get what I'm saying until I use this example:

Well, no. All the female supporting characters, of whom there are many fewer than male supporting characters, get killed off. Some of the male supporting characters also get killed off, but unlike the women, many of them stick around for years (Castiel, Bobby, Garth, to name just a few), and also unlike the women,

Not really. "On a good day, you get to kill the Whore of Babylon" would have been fine and not remotely misogynistic. But that's not what he said. He said, "On a good day, you get to kill a whore," because to Dean Winchester and the writers of Supernatural, any whore will do. When you're trying to prove how awesome

Indeed. That was the season the show made a gigantic push for male viewers, and one of the ways they did it by adding two evil bitch women so Dean had lots of "excuses" to be ravingly misogynistic. They weren't content to stop there, though.... Dean was ravingly misogynistic toward pretty much every woman he shared

Have you seen season 3? Because I could buy that view of his character if you missed that season, but the never-ending supply of shit (and misogynistic epithets) he directed at and about women in season three is starkly different than he has ever treated any male character (the one time he made a gay joke, fandom had

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one. Whether or not Supernatural is awesome is debatable, but I don't think using the face of someone as blatantly misogynistic as Dean has so often proved himself to be is ever "perfect" when protesting misogyny.


MRA's and PUA's, the new domestic terrorists.

Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

But you're not posting about hurting women. You are not who we're talking about. We know it doesn't define everybody (NOT ALL MEN has been an ongoing discussion lately) but it's the allowance of such disgusting language that's painting you all in such a negative light. I'm all for all kinds of people having a

You don't need our help to look awful. Even if he's not one of you, you've got some truly damaged individuals you should have reported to the Feds a long time ago.

Gawd, I am so reluctant to respond to you, because I don't know if you're genuinely distressed and wrong, or just MRA trolling.

Yeah, thanks, you're spouting classic MRA bullshit. "All sex is rape."

but making him feel invisible and unwanted for his entire life might drive him over the edge.

Get professional help.

Every one of his videos shows he was an entitled fucking douchebag. I will damn straight condemn that shit wherever I see it.


Well, I'm sorry for you. I thought you might be a troll, but it looks like you're just a very confused and misguided person who doesn't understand that thinking someone will be damned in the afterlife, that their attractions and love relationships are inherently unnatural and condemned by God IS hateful. You can