Gillford Totem

You came to a post about obnoxious and fairly common behavior by men and said "Ladies do it too!" Which is the same thing as people who comment on threads about rape and FGM and wail "But what about the men!!11?!" It's a derail, which is trolling. You got a 1/10 because "What about the men?!" theme is not particularly

I just looked at the link. What I saw were women who would have moved their belongings or selves if anyone had needed to use the seats. This is different from a man sitting with knees very wide apart. It is embarrassing and humiliating to ask a man to close his legs so they aren't in your space; you shouldn't have to

Women aren't inherently more considerate, we have been conditioned to be more accommodating and deferential, particularly in public and especially towards men.

Wow, you just don't get it. but isn't it great that the poor, oppressed men of the world have you to fight for them?

So, couldn't you just stand in front of your seat, with your legs together, balls out front, then sit down while keeping your legs together so your balls stay out front?

Dude, the 'acceptable amount' is staying within the seat you are occupying. So simple. By taking up part of the seat next to you, aren't you determining the amount of space acceptable for the person trying to sit there? It's pretty clear you know you are wrong and are just too defensive to give it up.

The 2 situations aren't the same, and you damn well know it.

Who says you have to sit knee to knee? Most reasonable intelligent people have figured out how to sit in public spaces without sprawling all over the place regardless of their ball situation. And your comfort is not the concern of others around you, special snowflake.

"I will sit comfortably and if I was here first then you can stand."

Hahahaha, oh no, honey, I will not. On a crowded bus, I will sit down and physically push your leg out of my space if the seat next to your entitled ass is the only one left.

You caught me! I'm just a mean old humorless feminist who hates dudes!! You definitely did not actually say "we're not all being jerks" as a defense to your argument!

Dear whiny ass titty baby with overly sensitive balls: Stop fucking whining. Other people exist on earth. Oh well. Shut up, close your legs and make room for other people. Despite what your mommy told you, you are not in after price of the universe.

WHy don't you stand? Since your balls are so sensitive to treating other people with respect.

Um... no. I highlighted that many women also deal with issues that cause them to be uncomfortable but they overwhelmingly don't make those issues the problems of others. Like I said before, I'll take the title of douche if it means highlighting that everyone on the train should be courteous to others and those with I

The problem is that sometimes when we politely ask to sit, they give us the stink-eye, give us only the merest amount of space, and keep pressing their damn thighs against us like they have more right to space than we do.

Oh no. It *is* being done as a performance. We all get it — you got balls. Big whoop.

Right, because women don't need air down there or some women don't have other issues that would cause them to be more comfortable with their legs spread like the idiots above. Anyways , thanks for the offer but ill sit and when I do sit I will sit comfortably . See above for how it's done.

If these guys can't sit without their balls having their own extra seat (because sitting splayed like above generally renders at least one of the seats beside them unusable) why shouldn't THEY be the ones to stand? I can't stand on public transportation because of chronic ankle instability/pain, so when people are

Sorry sweetheart but that's the problem which is why people are talking about this. People always stand to accommodate the balls of others every single day on the train when its obvious that these people actually literally have no sense of courtesy or etiquette whatsoever. This also goes for people who sneeze on the

So I know the dudes say this is for testicle comfort. What I don't get is why it's only some of them that have to do it so dramatically. I've seen a number if testicles in my day, and my husband's testicles seem pretty standard issue. He doesn't sit like this. He doesn't stick his knees right together like I might,