Gillford Totem

NO ONE FUCKING SAID THAT YOU MORON. Talk about a strawman covered in shit. That wasn't the point. Holy shit you are seriously lacking brain cells. You have missed the point, entirely.

No fucking shit, Sherlock. That wasn't the point, asshole. You have to go to the police to start the legal proceedings, and it rarely even gets past that point, let alone to the point where judges can show their misogynistic colors, and mansplaining morons like you can mansplain obvious shit that would have been

Wow, you are a fucking idiot. I'd wade through all of your strawman bullshit, but what's the point?

I know. You seem extremely emotional. Good luck with all that.

I absolutely believe that men who do these things (let rapists off with no jail time, act as apologists for rapists) have either raped in the past, or sympathize with that kind of think and may rape in the future. I am convinced of it.

MRAs aren't for equal rights. They're a hate group. A group whose members say you should let a 4 year old girl drown because she might grow up to be a feminist, thinks sexual harassment is female privilege and defends the doxxing and harassment of women online does not deserve to be equated with a movement that

I didn't say any of that, or any of the things you've attributed to me, actually. You're confused. You're typing faster than you're thinking. No, my point was simply that you're an MRA twat.

Dick, after acting like a 2 years child you have the nerve to talk about someone reacting emotionally. WTF do you think you're doing right now? Glad to see that dicks like you also lack in self awareness.

"That doesn't make the system corrupt. It makes one judge corrupt."

Oh gee wilikers I had you all wrong!

Hey asshole, this woman went to the police and this is the result, because the judge is a monster. Therefore, it discourages rape victims from going to the police in the first place. Why don't victims go to the police? Because the conviction rate is fucking atrocious, the sentences are pointless, and the system treats

Wow, man, that was just so beautiful. Have you rehearsed typing all of that out before?

I work in a domestic violence program and had a judge once tell my client that she should give her abuser credit for trying to be a good dad. This after he continually ignored phone calls to let her speak with the kids during his parenting time, and despite the fact that there had been over five CPS reports involving

Let's all bookmark this for the next time some MRA asks, "why didn't she just go to the police?"

Can we agree that this is not news to be reported on Jezebel

What the fuck are you talking about? Three year olds know that adult humans are called men and women. Why would somebody not know the word women? Why are you bending over backwards to excuse sexist language? Like I've said several times, calling men men and women females is something misogynists do. It is how

Years of personal experience. That's how I know. Misogynist men always refer to men as men and women as females. Non misogynist men never do that. I'm not assuming innocent ignorance because the person I was responding to showed no signs of struggling with the English language.

Because it's a misogyny red flag when men call women "females." When men are men and women are females it hints that he views men as fully human and women as on the same level as hamsters or lemurs or whatever.