Gillford Totem

aw thanks for being so respectful! :)

Dear lord you accused a woman of not being a woman because she used the word cunt. That's being a sexist prat and about as far from respectful as you can get (especially as it was accompanied by a nice side of "let's call a rape victim a liar") that's what me and everyone one else here whose having a go at you is

It's not exploiting rape to condemn rape jokes the fact you seem to think it is is ridiculous. Saying "rape jokes aren't funny" is how we combat rape culture by stopping people saying them. Your original argument was "there are other photos so it's not so bad!" which if anything is downplaying the seriousness of

Yes. Because you're clearly about respect.

You moved the goalposts. First your argument was that the picture was part of a gallery and therefore NBD, and now it seems to be that talking about rape jokes trivializes rape.

What has that got to with anything? If there were 9 pictures of ducks (first unoffensive thing I thought of) and 1 rape joke you couldn't go "well the rape joke is fine because ducks!"

The article also never says hooters were "promoting" rape just that posting the picture was wrong. It also has the tweet from Hooters

Yeah, I have 0 patience for assholes. Sorry. I refuse to make excuses for people like this. I'm not sure what you mean by "<>". Are you going for a greater or lesser than symbol? Genuinely curious.

Are you? He was a prick to someone who actually has been raped and was making excuses for Hooters in his initial post. I honestly don't see any reason why he should deserve any sort of defense. He's a bottom feeder.

You don't seem to have a problem with using rape and murder to score points in an internet argument, though.

You might want to rethink your use of the term "bigotry." It doesn't meant what you think it means.

Your behaviour is really not honouring the memory of the person you know who was raped and strangled.

Ugh, MRAs.

Lol it's adorable when little boys like you project their insecurities on other people. Have a nice night, sweetie pie. I hope someday you obtain the emotional maturity of my five year old nephew (though I doubt it will ever be possible for you).

How about this: You're a fucking piece of shit. Stop trolling rape survivors you goddamn piece of trash. Go find a better use of time. No one cares about you or your little crusade against genuine victims.

Well, I don't eat at hooters...

A restaurant that doesn't respect women in person didn't respect women on their FB page? Oh SHOCK!

Ahh the old "troll" maneuver. So what you are saying is the rapey joke was only on top by accident, so its not their fault? Nice.

POINTING your honour!!!111!1!1!!

I think a lot of guys get uncomfortable because they're used to being the aggressors and hitting on people. When the tables are turned on them, even if it's casual (like glances and touching) it can be really uncomfortable. Personally, I'm really uncomfortable when guys don't get my social cues and continue to hit on

The "props" are more striking than the white girl (that they chose to photograph with her face all lax like a dead girl). Why even include her? Is there a reason?