Gillford Totem

masturbation is being sold as a panacea for everyone here.

Perhaps your point is incomprehensible because you aren't very articulate. Is your point that women like being abused? Do you think that all women are in abusive relationships or just the women who watch Mad Men? How does Mad Men relate to domestic violence? Please tell me why you think Mad Men is dumb and sexist.

Aw, the straw women in your head acting up. You should go lie down and stop being ridiculous.

Let me also don't see race?

Do have any formal understanding of how power structures work in the US/UK?

HAHAHA I'm dying at the responses you're getting. Usually "cue the" posts proactively shut down MRA idiots and other male idiots, but so many dudes purposefully decided to circumvent your initial roadblock to prove that, no matter what you do proactively, they WILL be idiots! "I'm not going to manifest male privilege

Completely different—the Tumblr "Men Taking Up too Much Space on the Train" is about the power and dominance that men exert nonverbally in a public space through body language, whilst women are socialised to be small (i.e. cross your legs, fold your arms in, speak quietly etc etc.)

Cue the men coming to tell us that we should be flattered by the attention and just lighten up and learn to take a joke, man, in 3, 2, 1...

Men don't have to worry about going out alone after dark? Erm but men get attacked too, they're are actually the biggest victims of violent attacks, aren't they?

If you read that piece in its entirety, you'd see that that's not what I'm interpreting you as saying. When you say something like if there "were a commercial offensive towards men, men would not be in an uproar," the subtext is "so feminists shouldn't be upset about sexist portrayals of women in the media either."

So. If I quit shaving my legs, will I earn the same salary as a man? You know, feeling like a dude might be nice for a change.

Somehow I managed to float through my teenage years (early 2000s) without being aware of the cultural revulsion towards pubic hair, I literally never even considered it. Looking back I do not know how I accomplished that!

Unless you're posting nude photos of yourself, then it's fine.

And you know THIS asshole blames female celebrities when some paparazzo lying on the ground or using immense lens catches a celeb without panties.

Oy. I think your assessment is correct. Just keep it to yourself. A lot of women will try to argue that they have found denuding their bodies entirely in a vaccuum out of sheer pleasure from ripping their hairs from the follicles.

My daughter got teased for having hairy legs on the bus over the winter (she's 6 BTW). It happened once but it was enough to plant the idea in her little head that something was wrong with her body and ugly/gross. I tried talking to her about it but as she pointed out, quite rightly, I shave my legs. So I stopped.