Gillford Totem


this is a man who is working to stop me from getting married and paid for commercials that imply I'm a pedophile. That sounds like someone who is out to get me. The work he did isn't just a political dispute, it's a direct attack on me. Why would I tolerate it? It's like saying I should tolerate a punch in the face.

I love how conservatives think private companies should be forced to keep employing someone when they hate the right people.

Does your parole officer know you are online?

LOLOLOLOL OK. Just keep going on and ignoring the fact that upholding bullshit standards for men does the entire male gender a disservice. Yup, just keep brushing aside the fact that a highly respected male journalist laid out exactly why men should receive and take paid parental leave. Whatever helps you sleep (and

Some guys, after having dumped the "old, tired" a.k.a. first wife, have a 2nd batch of kids with the shiny, new wife. Then they can retire early to spend time with the kiddies and enjoy being a dad.

A guy may say "Oh yeah I banged that chick!" when he never got anywhere near her.

I'm familiar with the songs, but not these particular verses. These go way beyond. If these are familiar to you to the point of being normalized, then that might be a problem. I have a pretty strong stomach for fucked-up humor, and yet reading these verses literally made me feel sick.

Oh no, don't doubt it. I've heard the same analogy used with chewing gum, paper cups people have spit in, and with flowers that have had their petals plucked off one-by-one. It's always the girls. These same classes say stuff like "That girl is someone's future wife. Would you want some other guy to do that your

Dude, you've been running in some pretty fucked up circles. The fact that you think this is somehow normal behavior says a lot about you.


Exactly - if anyone has heard these multiple times, let alone a thousand, then that means there are hundreds or thousands of "eligible" educated young men right now who are getting married to women, having baby daughters, and going into leadership positions who were able to sing this stuff without walking away. Who AT

As a society we really don't deem "these people" worthy of success. It's just the old white guys in charge who happen to be "these people" plus a full head of hair and minus 25 years.

That actually makes it worse.

Remember folks, there's no such thing as "rape culture"! Everyone knows rape is a horrible crime, what do you mean it's normalized in our society?!

Boys will be necrophiliacs boys!

Okay, so this kind of thing is alright—it's trying to make a point. But this kind of thing has real limits, and I think it can even weaken the very point it's trying to make. Because the underlying premise—which is, essentially, "look what happens when the tables are turned" is flawed for several reasons:

Not to be insensitive, but to everyone crying about the "innocent men" who don't deserve to be catcalled bc we can't be sure if they've done it, eff off. After dealing w/ 15+ years of it, I don't once recall being asked if I deserved that unwanted attention and vulgarity before I got it. And I *highly* doubt an

How on earth did they chock that up to "differences in libido" when women have to worry about the Schrodinger's rapist/murderer effect when propositioned by a stranger, and men, by and large, don't?

What a perfect time for:

"Wow, why are men so frigid? They should have just given her a chance. Jeesh, they say women should be more honest but then they act all weird when they do. What a bunch of pricks, am I right?? I bet if she was hot they wouldn't be so freaked out, fucking double standards"