Gillford Totem

Did I give you sad pants by correcting you in a completely non-confrontational way? Is that why your answer is so fucking douchetastic that I can practically smell the Axe Body Spray through my screen?

I don't agree with you because it's a story that men tell themselves when they don't get laid by the women they want.

I've noticed you're trolling. Does that count?

Absolutely not true. There are plenty of women who have a really hard time finding dudes to have sex with. My entire high school & college existence was just me trying to get guys to sleep with me and guys shooting me down. Just because you don't think it happens doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

This is not true. I have never been approached by a bunch of men wanting to have sex with me while passively standing anywhere. I mean, I am overweight and ugly (objectively), so that might have something to do with it.

The level of narcissism that this phenomenon requires is pretty staggering. Do people honestly think they are so interesting that their friends actually give a shit if they just had sex? Instagraming a plate of brunch is douchy enough as it is...

This piece is not about men. It's about lesbians' experiences with men. No one asserts that a majority of men are like this. Or even that most men on dating sites are like this. The assertion is that most men who contact lesbians on dating sites are this. And they'd have to be. Because the idea of contacting someone

Interestingly enough Colbert did specifically tell people to stop harassing Suey on last nights show.

I'd be interested in hearing more... If that was the point of this article, which it isn't. It's about lesbian women being subjected to creepy messages from the men who choose to message them. Not one of those men? This isn't about you. Period.

Oddly, the outrage over marginalization has further marginalized the discussion around the epithet 'redskins' that was where the joke first originated. So, from my own identity I do also find it problematic that Suey hijacked a discussion about American Indians.

*sigh* I don't have the time or inclination to pick this apart, but basically, you're wrong because of historical baggage, power dynamics, and marginalisation. It really just doesn't work like you're trying to make it work. Individual men are not held, widely, society wide that is, to be examples of all men the way

It was a joke, Colbert is a satirist. In the huff post interview it seemed she couldn't back up the accusations she was throwing out and if you're only method is to hashtag a protest then well I can't take it seriously.

Actually, that's precisely the problem. For many women (most? I don't know) it seems to be the rule. I've honestly heard of more horrendous experiences than positive ones. And I don't have a lot of patience for the "but what about the men?!?!?!??!" commentary that plagues a lot of these types of articles.

but it doesn't say "every" man or "all men" so yes, you are being picky.

As a lesbian who is very feminine in appearance, when I was single, I was inundated with men hoping I was bi or checked the wrong box or was so fantastic they could work their way in or whatever other reason they could come up with to ignore my sexual orientation. I got far more responses from men than I ever did from

Visual rape. It's control. It's ego. It's about not recognizing a woman's choices as valid.

neither thing really means anything until you'd ask her and find out.

Dude, this wasn't just a one-time thing. This happens ALL THE TIME. Everywhere. This existed before there was such a thing as dating apps, or the internet. Men always, always, always assume that if you say lesbian, that really you're just waiting around for the right guy. That their magical dick will convert you. That

That's a what about the men comment, though. Because we all know that. It's understood, part of the subtext. Every single time an article mentions men someone shows up to say this, but it isn't necessary. Of course, it isn't all men!

And that's hella disrespectful too. Can't we be pissed off at both of these things at once?