Gillford Totem

He understands. He's just a pathetic troll who NEEDS the attention. Meh.

But it's OK for her to turn her life upside down? Your priorities are fucked, dude.

And probably arrested as well.

When I went to college 40 years ago, there was no protection for women. Being the free and easy 70s, many young women like me were enjoying our first taste of sexual freedom. I had been dating a frat guy, well, not so much dating as having sex whenever we wanted. One night, he invited me to a frat party that was

As soon as I read LW1 I KNEW the comment section would fill up with variations of "GAWD I'm so tired of hearing about girls who don't like other girls, don't they know they are just internalized misogynists? Don't they know their guy friends aren't true friends? Girls like that just like the attention from men, and

I don't see why some of the comments are jumping all over LW1. She is not saying all women are into those specific interests or that she doesn't want to be around women. But the majority of the ones she's coming across with are into interests she is not, and it's causing a problem for her. It IS boring when the people

Which joke, the show segment or the tweet? Because, as was explained pretty clearly, he didn't send the tweet, which was largely devoid of the context of the joke.

You sound like you have some conservative lies swimming about in your brain. Gays are not trying to force churches to perform same sex marriages. And pro-choice is not pro-abortion. Pro-choice is being for all choices being available to all women everywhere so they can make the decision that is right for them not

If you're going to lecture people on the meaning of words and be all righteous about it, you might want to try using the correct version of "you're". In case you don't know, "your" is a word that connotes possession. The contraction of "you are" is "you're".

Phobia can also be an aversion to. Homophobia is the universally accepted term for those who do not want a world where gay people are considered acceptable. Also, Merriam Webster disagrees with you.

"I believe what the Bible says" is the biggest bullshit lie that the religious right trots out.

Personally, I think the insistence that everyone is beautiful hurts us rather than helps. It elevates that one characteristic because we can't just let it go. It's ok that everyone is not funny, that everyone is not charismatic, that everyone is not athletic, it's even ok that not everyone is a genius, but everyone

Maybe you don't "remove the notion of ugly" but the point that ugly women should be allowed to report on news just like ugly men seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't appreciate that double standard, myself.

I'm totally with you on this, but... there's this really brilliant part in Tina Fey's Bossypants that I also think applies here:

Now you've done it! You've summoned the wrath of 12-year old internet trolls!

"No means no" means an awful lot of guys think "she didn't say no" is okay. But seriously, they're predators. If your date is unconscious, what the fuck is wrong with you? I've never seen a guy claim he accidentally raped somebody who wasn't a big huge tool.
These guys operate under excuses and sexism. We need to stop

Aside from the rapey undertones here, have you ever thought that being pissed at someone might make you not want to have sex with them? It's not punishment, it's called agency.

Can someone tell me why it's so important to keep a controlling, sexist, unsupportive, selfish man in your life? It's really not the most critical thing in life and, in fact, only makes life more miserable.

Yes, help me contort myself into something more acceptable! THEN MAYBE SOMEONE WILL LOVE ME.

Whenever I feel bad about myself I like to read these lists. Because no matter how stupid I'm feeling, I know that there is at least one person out there who is beating me at it...