Gillford Totem

Its a fashion for younger women to hate on older women. While guys will see a rocker dude still very sexual in his fifties and say "man, he's what I'd wanta be" women seeing a woman in her fifties still being photographed scantily clad and acting like they have a right to revel and say " who do she think she is?"

Why the hypocrisy in hating on porn stars but jerking off to them? Easy answer.

What the hell is wrong with you? Penabler never said the North Korean men were too lazy and were choosing not to work. He was pointing out an interesting news story about the many ways the NK government makes its people miserable.
Also, what was your point about the domestic violence rates? Since when is it OK to beat

A person like that, I wouldn't believe him on anything he says regarding romance and sex. You just know he's an insecure piece of shit who builds himself up through misogyny the way that racists do through racism.

You must not be very familiar with bro culture or "pick up artist" culture. There are a lot of men (most of them college aged) who believe that sex is awesome and men who have a lot of sex are super cool dudes but women who have a lot of sex are great big slutty-sluts from slut town, so it's ok to treat them like

The quotes were gold, but it was the photo at the end that really did me in.

But don't you stoopid 'Murican wimminz know that forcing men to seek pussy as far away as possible is actually all your fault? Because like,

I meant that I conceptualize fear of being naked in public as a product of stigma, fear of being judged, etc. Like if the stigma went away, so would those concerns. But like I said, that's muddy. I don't think the cause/effect is that clearcut.

Seriously? You ignored my points until you repeated them back to me as though teaching me something new, and rather than admit that I was right, you call me a bad listener? The word for this is projection.

Why do you keep saying degrading (and degradation in quotes)? What are you responding to? I never said it was degrading. I said that both waiting tables and stripping suck (is that the mighty-ass statement?) and that one is stigmatized and pays better. If you're looking for someone to fight with about the rest of

This could be a win-win. We ship all of our worst specimens to North Korea, so that Kim Jong Un can deal with them. This also distracts him from terrorizing his own citizens and makes him happy (and less homicidal) because it validates his belief in his own cultural superiority. Step Three, I'm still working out,

No, that's not what I'm arguing, I was trying to point out that your incredibly determined fixation on proving that the wages would never be identical, doesn't matter in the context of the post or my thread. It was just a fun coincidence that the thing you wanted to prove could never come to pass is already reality.

Men want women to do certain things. They absolutely do not want women to profit at those things. Sexuality for these guys is about dominance and power——-and the way they maintain power is to make sex fraught with danger for women. She took all that away from them and they're furious. Notice the rape threats? That's

Many men have contempt for the women they want to fuck, period. Actually you can move the period back to the spot after "women" and it'd still be true. Sex is an act of dominance for them so it's no surprise they hate the women they jack it to.

Similarly, sociologist Susan Dewey studied strippers in the Rust Belt and found that they preferred topless dancing to service-sector work, which they saw as far more "exploitative, exclusionary, and without hope for social mobility or financial stability."

This ass hole again?

This sounds completely true and not at all made up.

Yeah, trolls never come on the internet to deny women's experiences either. I don't know where people get that shit from.

I was just walking down the street when a bunch of frat-type douches in a convertible yelled "You're ugly!" I'm not even particularly ugly, imho—certainly not to the point where one should be compelled to vocalize it out loud. Why do people do these things? Because they're terrible and stupid people.