Gillford Totem

I laughed, but at the same time it made me a little sad.

Actually, no I'm not. This is the problem with this level of prejudice. You start making assumptions about people when you're way off. It's a shame.

You're a hypocrite. Men and women aren't in equal positions of power, asshole, so any comparison between them lessens what men do and exaggerates what women do. Oh, you're going to complain about bad drivers? Cry me a river while men rape women and get away with it, dominate every institution in the world and then

So another dude, upon being informed that the world does not, in fact, orbit around his dick......punches down at women. Marvelous.

God forbid women vent a bit when confronted with more examples of the horrible sexism women deal with the world over. No, let's just put it all down so we can bow to some dude's whiny ass tittybaby feels. Hey, when do OUR feelings matter?
Oh, that's right, they don't.

Trolls are apparently unaware one can check their comment history to see if they have a habit of tone trolling.

It's not about your fucking feelings.

Men's biggest fear is that women won't take them seriously. Women's biggest fear is that men will murder them. Fuck this guy and his feelings. What you said was right - normal adults realize that you're talking about men as a system of power, not every individual penis-bearing or male-identifying human on this planet.

Yes, I'm Brazilian and there is a lot of sexism in Brazil (although I haven't lived there in five years). I think when it comes to violence against women Brazil has worked hard to tackle its problems and has come a long way (I know that because I work with human rights and I know from colleagues that work with women's

I agree with you.

Kinja won't let you reply to two comments at once, but my point still stands and i'm going to add one: what the fuck are you, 12? "She did it first," does not make your comment any less scummy than hers. Do you always do stupid shit because other people do? Do you always blame other people for the stupid shit you do?

It's cute how you think I should reply twice just so your precious male butthurt doesn't get.....butthurt.

Wow, you don't say. Because we're all too stupid to figure that out.

As a brazilian I can only say that you don't know what you are talking about. The violence has different reasons and that's all. Women are being beaten to death, raped just for being in the streets, in the public transportations, in bars... We have a huge misogynistic movement that are day by day gaining more and more

Cuz that's really important to share in a a story about how women are being sexually repressed.

In short, women are hated everywhere, just in different ways.

That's really interesting I'll have to check out the study. I find it hard to believe that watching porn doesn't change satisfaction of real life encounters since it trains the the brain to associate a particular look with arousal and probably more importantly can lead to a dependency on novelty. If you haven't seen