Gillford Totem

You're a misogynistic douche because you think your dick-feels over women are of any relevance, specifically under an article about some dude abusing women; not because of your pathetic attempts at insulting. Ah-ah, try-hard troll!

Easy: don't spew MRA, neckbeard, misogynistic, douch crap. Clearly, a challenge for you.

This is an article about a man allegedly attacking and abusing a truck load of women, and you're "bothered" because some people are saying older people tend to be less easy to trick?

It's the insane notion that older people tend to be less naive, stupid.

Perhaps the BDSM community should get a reality check, and check themselves. They're harboring one hell of a lot of women abusers under the guise of 'harmless kink'.

The only BS around here, is the PUA stink coming from that way.

Oh, great... The deranged douche is confusing Battlefield 4 with real life, again...

Women who fear date rape drugs are just being hysterical. I learned how it's ok to say this, from Jezebel.

Come and accuse women of being hysterical, and get generally acclaimed! Only on Jezebel!! (and everywhere else)

LOL, women. /female tears

Yes let's not forget the bottom line: girls suck.

Aaahh... mockery of (white) women on the internet... How original! *clap, clap, clap*

You're using men's ilogic defense against themselves?! Misandry!

Sure, keep on making the apologia of a practice based on the harassment and demeaning attitude towards women. Just so long you can keep on playing the Nice Guy, that's aaaall that matters.

Ah, of course! The dumbass "well, men don't complain" myopic retort. Did you tell him you liked the way his pants sat on his nice firm lilly ass, too? Quit while you're losing.

It reaaally sucks all these messages that a man is not entitled to unload his baggage on to any random woman on the street. Oh dear.

You're wasting your time with a pathetic troll. "Misogynistic" is too fancy a' word for the trash that one spews.

Yeah, like your only worry is the fate of mankind and all za unborn babiesss, and not unloading your balls. STFU.