Gillford Totem

So many men OUTRAGED with the notion they are not to speak to whatever woman they please . LOL! Funny: I thought women were the ones who had trouble keeping their fucking traps SHUT.

Poor menz; so pushed around.

The OP is just a lot of bla-bla-bla trying to shame women for NOT being prostitutes. It's just the polar opposite of your regular "prude". The fact that people here are taking it seriously, answering with a tone almost as if they have to excuse themselves for not being an escort, is telling. If it was the same sort of

Why "female"? If you were an attractive male, would you go with any man or woman who payed, regardless of how they looked?

Of course not. It only reintroduces to society at large, for the millionth time, the notion that abuse is what women want out of a relationship.

That's because there is no fear or respect for female parts. Penises are the organs that are socially and culturally viewed as vehicles of aggression or a source of pride. Vaginas, it's the opposite: they are constructed as passive, and shameful. So, it's no wonder men at large don't view anything off about a barrage

Of course: "guiding force", regardless of what the other part's will. Clueless. Men AREN'T taught to fear and respect female parts, under penalty of their own lives. Got it, now?

Right. They "fear" it, in that nice "women are such mysterious little beings, imma right, guyz?" misogynistic way, that often results in not giving a fuck if the other part gets off or not because "women: why bother getting them anyway, imma right, guyz?"

Suure, it's not like a few of those straight men send such pictures specifically to demean and antagonize the frigid harpies, erm, women. Or that those same annoying whores - oh my! - I mean, women, often get full I-told-you-so blame and responsabilization, when stuff doesn't quite work out as planed.

I'm sure the fact men haven't been taught to fear lady parts, while instead being repeatedly told they're are entitled to it has... nothing to do with it.

You're going up and down this comment section, nagging anybody who claims to find this sexist, on how they can dare to even think so.

Yeah, you're so superior in your desperate outrage over all the outrage. LOL!

'ta fuck are you doing here? Lost your way to Jalopnik and fell in chin first?

I'm sure all the teen girls fawning over One Direction or whatever version of the Backstreet Boys they have these days, do so because of the "written word".

Of course. People are influenced by advertising, social conditioning, the culture they live and were raised on. However, here on Jez, there's a troupe of regulars that will jump you, if you even suggest it's possible some women might be adhering to certain practices due to social and cultural influence. The usual

"being aware of social constructs doesn't mean you are immune to their effect on you"

Douche's in favor of anything that might demean or humiliate women. Please don't engage.

Yeah, "rape doesn't happen in public". Not only is he a misogynist, douche is dumb as a rock.

You know "chances are"? The occasional times a phenomenon happens to individuals in one group, don't magically erase the fact that same phenomenon happens overwhelmingly and systemically to individuals in another group.

ACTUALLY, chances are <insert celebrity here> is not systematically reduced to decoration, will not see his work accomplishments erased in favor of the clit tumescence he might induce, and will probably manage to still get jobs pass his 30's. Even if he becomes a daddy.