Gillford Totem

Telling them to "be a man" is part of the problem. However, so is bringing up the question in the OP while ignoring to the underlying reasons that stigma exists in the first place, and which values, attitudes and prejudices are supporting it.

It's funny the turns you are taking in order to avoid stating what gender and gendered-values are men supposed to shun, in order not to have their masculinity soiled.

I'm sure there's a lot of "stress and anxiety" to it. "It" as in, being perceived as having female-like characteristics, being "a woman". Because being "a woman" is being inferior, weaker, demeaned. And being called a girl is pretty much an insult to those poor dudes.

Telling people to calm down is Tha Best! way to get them to calm down.

No, you're not entitled to women's bodies.

It's quite disgusting; I swear I can hear their miserable fapping from here, from all the attention they are getting.

Isn't it fun to see how quick MRAs are to jump up and defend/ excuse abusers? LOL mra activism.

Even if she where a "pornographic actress", it would no excuse the abuse.

Why is everybody fixed in upvoting that misogynistic troll? So the trashhead is too stupid to get basic abuse psychology; why is everybody shocked?

"Not sure if trolling"? I'd think that handle would be recognizable enough by now.

That's not even the oddest reaction out there. There's also this increasing tendency to down right body snark for... social justice reasons.

The author should have remained silent over the man's "indiscretions".

We all know MRAs cry for the time women couldn't do a damned thing when they got stuck in a DV marriage, and had to live (and die) by it.

Las Vegas?!

Go on, and don't forget to go complain about the "terrible people" that don't fight for the establishment of a White History Month, around the time of the next Hetero Pride Parade!!

When I recall... Heterosexual pride parades... UGH!

You don't get to pass judgement on what a discriminated group you don't belong to has a need to discuss. This is not about them having to prove to you they are not "hypocrites"; it's about you making an effort not to be a douchebag.


You need to get out of jezebel more.