Gillford Totem

Quiet, quiet... don't you know men have it just as bad as women, and you're a sexist for saying otherwise?

Oh yeah: I trip on billboards of naked glistening men every day.

Go blame your dude bros who lash out cruelly at any boy who appears to actually have feelings for other things other than their sports team, hon.

Oh yeah, they're here. Also "reasoning" on how trophy wives are all about the sex they are getting, and not showing off to friends. As if there's a totally necessary correlation between good looks = good in bed.

What? I pay for my beauty products with falling eyelashes.

Clearly you're just a whinny liar. "If it has a dick its gonna rape" is not at all a common view that goes on around here. Not by a long shot.

Hum, hum. Because, as a woman, I don't need money in order to buy what I eat. My vagina allows me to lift nutrients from thin air.

...and how come we haven't got white history month?

Yeah. I might have bought that, had you not sounded so appalled! over the prospect of giving boys a few lessons on what the fuck rape is, and how not to do it. To the point when people suggesting it can only be trolling.

It's the usual: rape-related articles always attract a swarm of losers trying to get off by scorning at a few women. They are easy to spot, too, in their desperate, aggressive eagerness. I don't know why people insist in giving these douches the time of day.

Nah, don't bother. It's just feeding in to the sorry mudstain's cries of attention. Douchebag faps each time somebody bothers to tell it that. True story.

You're indulging a misogynistic asshole. Save yourself the needless soiling.

"It is a felony, you know."

Yeah, let's ignore an ubiquitous situation for the sake of... pretending it doesn't exist and nobody gets negatively affected by it.

Right, "through experience". After subjecting their partners through the bullshit they learned. And that is IF they are even willing to re-learn. Given many reports, a lot of them aren't. Add that to the popular idea that "porn teaches everything a young man must know", and the fact men are infused with the notion

So, people aren't scorned at for being alone?

I'd guess it's because quite a number of dudes CAN'T tell apart sex from porn, which, according to some around here, is a totes obvious fantasy nobody actually thinks is real. Surprise, surprise...

Please, don't go away. Each time I hear a variation of "yeah, well, some women like it", or "help! I'm being oppressed by your porn criticism"... UUUUUGHHHH!!!

Hum, hum. In an article about a misogynistic ideology that sets women back, I'm sure your "men are from mars, women are from venus, nothing to do here" precious wisdom is completely benign.